Proposed Agenda for GNSO Working Session in Paris 22 June 2008 1. Public Comment Period Length: Given the ALAC and hierarchical At-Large structure, and the typical lack of easy to understand and multi-lingual documentation, ALAC is faced with a very difficult problem in responding to the typical 30 comment periods. How do other constituencies address this and to what extent should ICANN adjust processes. 2. Improving communications: Improving communications between At-large groups and GNSO constituency members at the local and regional level. 3. GNSO Improvements Break (10:00 -10:30) Reconvene in Chagall 4. New gTLDs - Update on dispute issues, Open Issues? (10:30 -11:30) 5. IANA/ICANN names - what is the process for changing Reserved names beyond the new gTLD process (11:30 -12:00) 7. Discuss Jon's Paper (12:30-13:00) 8. IDN ccTLDs (separate from session with the GAC) (14:00 -14:45) DRAFT Final REPORT Recommendations for Fast Track - Discussion 9. ccNSO-gNSO meeting on Thursday 26 June at 12:00 - Prep (14:45 - 15:15) Joint Meeting with GAC in Picasso (16:00 -18:00) * New gTLD policy implementation Board/GNSO/Staff Dinner in Giacometti - GNSO "Improvements" (19:00)
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