PDP-Feb06 Task force on Policies for Contractual Conditions:
Existing TLDs Minutes Proposed agenda and documents Task force members
Maureen Cubberley - Task Force Chair - Nominating Committee appointee
Marilyn Cade - CBUC
Alistair Dixon- CBUC - remote participation
Greg Ruth - ISCPC
Jon Nevett - Registrars (Network Solutions)
Jeff Eckhaus - Registrars (Registrar .com)
Ken Stubbs - gTLD registries
David Maher - gTLD registries (PIR)
Milton Mueller - NCUC
Mawaki Chango - NCUC
Avri Doria - Nominating Committee appointee
Norbert Klein - NCUC
Bruce Tonkin - Registrar C.
June Seo - gTLD registries C.
Werner Staub - CORE
Ray Fassett - .job
Chuck Gomes - Verisign
Michael Palage
Nelly Palage
Dan Halloran - Deputy General Counsel
Denise Michel - Vice President Policy Development
Olof Nordling - Manager, Policy Development Coordination
Liz Williams - Senior Policy Counselor
Maria Farrell - Policy Officer
Glen de Saint G�ry - GNSO Secretariat
GNSO Council Liaisons
Bret Fausett - ALAC Liaison - absent
Ross Rader - Registrars
Mike Roberts - CBUC - apologies
Tony Holmes - ISCPC - apologies
Lucy Nichols - Intellectual Property Interests C - apologies
Ute Decker - Intellectual Property Interests C - apologies
Kiyoshi Tsuru - Intellectual Property Interests C - apologies
Sophia Bekele - Nominating Committee appointee
Antonio Harris - ISPC
Tony Holmes - ISPC
Paula Breuning - NCUC
Cary Karp - gTLD registries
MP3 Recording
Item 1: Approval of minutes
- PDPFeb06 task force minutes 6 June 2006 Ken Stubbs, seconded by David Maher moved the adoption of the PDP Feb06 task force minutes on 6 June 2006 Motion approved.
Decision 1: the PDP Feb06 task force minutes of 6 June 2006 were adopted.
Item 2: Purpose of the meeting:
The purpose of the meeting was to: - Determine the accuracy of the constituency positions in the Preliminary Task Force Report on Policies for contractual conditions: Existing Top Level Domains and the incorporation of the Brussels' meeting input.
- Discuss the process and the extension of the time lines
- Consider what other information was needed to extend the time lines. Two thirds of the way into the content of the meeting the group decided to change the focus and spend time on an in depth discussion of expert advice. The issues covered were how to solicit expert advice and how best to use it in the final report.
It was generally agreed to seek both original written and verbal expert advice and to conduct a literature search. Task force members were asked to consider names of experts and submit them to the staff, specifically to Dr. Liz Williams.
Item 3: Update on statements of interest The following task force members indicated that they had no updates on their statements of interest Avri Doria, Ken Stubbs, David Maher, Milton Mueller, Mawaki Chango, Marilyn Cade, Greg Ruth, and Maureen Cubberley. Jon Nevett stated that he had no updates other than having taken been appointed registrar constituency chair.
David Maher stated that he had asked Marilyn Cade whether TTPC was the only client beyond AT&T and Overstock that might have an interest in the current PDP. Marilyn Cade requested that her response be noted, and stated that all the clients had been listed at the Brussels meetings. TTPC was the travel partnership corporation, the parent part of .travel where she managed an administrative process. Marilyn's paid clients are: TTCP, Overstock.com, and AT&T, Marilyn advises the IP alliance, but does not receive payment and is only reimbursed for helping to plan and moderate panels.
David Maher requested that an email summary of the response be sent to the group.
Marilyn Cade believed that the questions had been answered and if the task force felt there needed to be a more detailed formal procedure, then it was an issue that the GNSO Council should discuss and be requested to develop a formal conflicts and statements of interestpolicy. 1. ACTION ITEM: Members of the group would be asked to propose the named of experts with particular reference to the the topics of Price Controls and Renewals. 2. ACTION ITEM:
The chair will circulate proposed dates for a face to face meeting. An intersessional meeting will be scheduled after certain milestones have been achieved.
These include:
- Finalisation of the Preliminary Report
- Completion of the period for receiving expert advice Avri Doria proposed a motion of adjournment. Maureen Cubberley adjourned the meeting and thanked the participants. Meeting adjourned at 18: 05 local time |