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The GNSO Library is an interface by which users can search for all GNSO related work products such as meeting minutes, MP3 recordings of meetings, GNSO Council agendas, Working Group reports, etc.  Each document is tagged with a predefined taxonomy as it is populated into the Drupal database.  The left-hand navigation provides quick links of a document type tagged by “classification” and results are displayed with the most recent instance.  A more robust search interface is offered below allowing for more granular search capability and use of keywords.

TitleDate Sort descending ClassificationsEntities
Update of Draft Final Report of IDNC WG on Fast Track Process for IDN ccTLDs Now Available22 June 2008Announcement, Update
Council Meeting Minutes from Paris, France 25th June 200825 June 2008Announcement, Minutes
ccNSO Members Meeting Report25 June 2008Announcement
Rules and Guidelines ccNSO25 June 2008Announcement, Guideline / Rule
Now Available: Board Proposal IDNC WG, the Final Report IDNC WG on Fast Track Process for IDN ccTLDs26 June 2008Announcement
ccNSO Agenda Paris26 June 2008Announcement, Agenda
Report of the ALAC for the 32nd ICANN International Meeting, Paris, France27 June 2008Announcement
Participation in the ccNSO: ccNSO Participation Working Group Research and Reporting Task Force02 July 2008Announcement, Survey
Monthly Update from ICANN's Policy Department16 July 2008Announcement, Policy, Update
ALAC Requests Comments on Draft Advisory to Board on GNSO Restructuring29 July 2008Announcement
Survey on Phishing Issues05 August 2008Announcement, Survey
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference Minutes 12th August 200812 August 2008Announcement, Minutes
Monthly Update from ICANN's Policy Department14 August 2008Announcement, Policy, Update
ALAC Releases Reports on ALAC, Liaison Performance - an ICANN Community First20 August 2008Announcement
ALAC Statement on the Registrar Accreditation Agreement ("RAA") Amendments Proposals Available for Community Comment02 September 2008Announcement
Work Gets Underway on a Registrants 'Bill of Rights and Responsibilities' - Join the Effort03 September 2008Announcement
ALAC Provides Comments to the Consultation on the ALAC Review Final Report14 September 2008Announcement
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference Minutes 16th September 200816 September 2008Announcement, Minutes
ALAC Statement on the Proposed Amendments to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement Ratified17 September 2008Announcement
Monthly Update from ICANN's Policy Department18 September 2008Announcement, Policy, Update
At-Large Schedule for the Cairo ICANN Meeting Online01 October 2008Announcement
Multilingual Mailing Lists – Automagically!13 October 2008Announcement
Многоязычные рассылки по электронной почте – автомагически!13 October 2008
Listas de correo multilingües – ¡Por arte de magia!13 October 2008
!قوائم البريد الإلكتروني متعددة اللغات - تشغيل آلي تلقائي13 October 2008
多语种邮件列表 – 自动发送!13 October 2008
Listes de diffusion multilingues disponibles automatiquement13 October 2008
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference Minutes 15th October 200815 October 2008Announcement, Minutes
Monthly Update from ICANN's Policy Department16 October 2008Announcement, Policy, Update
IDN ccTLD Fast Track Draft Implementation Plan Released for Public Comment23 October 2008Announcement, Policy
Nominations Underway for ALAC Liaisons and Appointments for 200904 November 2008Announcement
ccNSO Members Meeting Report11 November 2008Announcement, Report
Monthly Update from ICANN's Policy Department14 November 2008Announcement, Policy, Update
Council Meeting Minutes from Cairo, Egypt 5th November 200815 November 2008Announcement, Minutes
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference Minutes, 11 December 200811 December 2008Announcement, Minutes
ccNSO Nominations and Elections to the ccNSO Council 200912 December 2008Announcement, Report
Final Results of Nominations and Elections to ccNSO Council 200912 December 2008Announcement
Comment by ccNSO Working Group on Geographic Names endorsed by ccNSO Council15 December 2008Announcement, Statement
Monthly Update from ICANN's Policy Department16 December 2008Announcement, Policy, Update
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference Minutes, 13 January 200913 January 2009Announcement, Minutes
Monthly Update from ICANN's Policy Department - January 200920 January 2009Announcement, Policy, Update
New At-Large Advisory Committee Member from North America Elected22 January 2009Announcement
Want to Show the ICANN Community What Your ALS Does? Now Is Your Chance!04 February 2009Announcement
¡La cumbre de At-Large lo necesita!04 February 2009
Do You Have a Burning Issue for Discussion at the At-Large Summit? If so, Propose a Thematic Session on it!04 February 2009Announcement
¿Quiere mostrar a la comunidad de ICANN lo que hace su ALS? ¡Ahora es su oportunidad de hacerlo!04 February 2009
Le sommet de la communauté At-Large a besoin de vous !04 February 2009
The At-Large Summit Needs You! (If You Can Facilitate or Chair a Meeting)04 February 2009Announcement
Vous souhaitez présenter à la communauté de l'ICANN les activités de votre structure At-Large ? Nous vous en offrons l'opportunité ! 04 February 2009
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference Notes16 February 2009Announcement
Revised IDN Fast Track Implementation Plan Released for Public Comment18 February 2009Announcement
Update from ICANN's Policy Department - February 200919 February 2009Announcement, Policy, Update
Resolution ccNSO Council 26 February 2009 on Timing of the Launch of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track and New IDN gTLD Process27 February 2009Announcement, Resolution
At-Large Summit Declared Open28 February 2009Announcement
At-Large Summit Declared Open28 February 2009
Resolution of the ccNSO Council in Respect to IDN ccTLDs Delegated Under the Fast Track04 March 2009Announcement, Resolution
Council Meeting Minutes from Mexico City, Mexico 4th March 200904 March 2009Announcement, Minutes
Clôture d’un sommet réussi05 March 2009
At-Large Summit Successfully Concluded05 March 2009Announcement
Clausura de una cumbre exitosa05 March 2009
ccNSO Meetings Agenda Mexico City 1-6 March 200906 March 2009Announcement, Agenda
ccNSO Participation Working Group Final Report12 March 2009Announcement, Final, Report
Update from ICANN's Policy Department - March 200925 March 2009Announcement, Policy, Update
El Comité Asesor At-Large Acuerda un Plan de Acción para el Seguimiento de la Cumbre26 March 2009
موافقة اللجنة الاستشارية العامة على خطة عمل لمتابعة القمة26 March 2009
Le Comité consultatif At-Large convient d’un plan d’action faisant suite au Sommet At-Large26 March 2009
At-Large Advisory Committee Agrees Plan of Action for Summit Follow-Up26 March 2009Announcement
Public Comment Period for Summit Statements now open01 April 2009Announcement
Apertura de la consultación pública sobre las declaraciones de la Cumbre ATLAS01 April 2009
Période de consultation publique relative aux déclarations du sommet ouverte01 April 2009
Final Issues Report on IDN ccPDP02 April 2009Announcement, Final, Report
Resolutions of the ccNSO Council Relating to the Initiation of the IDN ccPDP, 7 April 200907 April 2009Announcement, Resolution
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference Minutes, 7 April 200907 April 2009Announcement, Minutes
Introduction of New gTLDs: Comments Submitted on Geographical Names Issues to Draft Applicant Guidebook v.2, endorsed by Council09 April 2009Announcement
ALAC Statement on a Travel Support Procedure for Volunteers16 April 2009Announcement, Correspondence, Statement
ALAC Statement on the new gTLDs Applicant Guidebook v2 and Related Materials19 April 2009Announcement, Correspondence, Statement
Strategic and Operational Planning WG Summary of ICANN Framework Activities in Op. Plan of Primary Interest for ccTLD Operators23 April 2009Announcement, Summary
Update from ICANN's Policy Department - April 200928 April 2009Announcement, Policy, Update
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference Minutes -12 May 200912 May 2009Announcement, Minutes
ALAC Statements on the Draft IRT Report, ICANN's Budget Framework 2010 and ICANN's Future Structure and Governance Finalised13 May 2009Announcement
ALAC Endorses Remaining Summit Statements16 May 2009Announcement
Update from ICANN's Policy Department - May 200919 May 2009Announcement, Policy, Update
At-Large Sydney Agenda Under Development - What Should Your Representatives Discuss?21 May 2009Announcement
At-Large Community Comments Requested on a Draft ALAC Statement on Public Consultations09 June 2009Announcement
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference Minutes, 9 June 200909 June 2009Announcement, Minutes
Publication of the Final ALAC Review Working Group Report on ALAC Improvements10 June 2009Announcement
At-Large Community Comments Requested: Draft Statement on FY 2010 Travel Procedures17 June 2009Announcement
At-Large Public Comments Requested: Draft ALAC Statement on the IRT Final Report18 June 2009Announcement
Update from ICANN's Policy Department - June 200922 June 2009Announcement, Policy, Update
ccNSO Meetings Sydney, Australia 22 – 24 June 2009 Agenda24 June 2009Announcement, Agenda
ccNSO Council Telephone Conference Minutes, 24 June 200924 June 2009Announcement, Minutes
Call for PDP Working Group Members: PEDNR06 July 2009AnnouncementCouncil
Introduction of New gTLDs: Comments Submitted on Geographical Names Issues to Draft Applicant Guidebook v.3, endorsed by Council06 July 2009Announcement
ALAC Statement on Travel Support Guidelines for Community Members07 July 2009Announcement
ALAC Statement on the IRT Final Report07 July 2009Announcement
Draft ALAC Statement on the Terms of Reference for the Root Scaling Study - Comments Being Taken until 20th July14 July 2009Announcement
Update from ICANN's Policy Department - July 200929 July 2009Announcement, Policy, Update
ALAC Ratifies ALAC Statement on the Terms of Reference of the Root Server Scaling Study30 July 2009Announcement
Call for PDP Working Group Members: Inter‐Registrar Transfer Policies (Part B)30 July 2009AnnouncementCouncil
At-Large Public Comments Requested: Draft ALAC NCUC Statement on the Final IRT Report01 August 2009Announcement