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[tf1-survey] Funds!!!

  • To: tf1-survey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [tf1-survey] Funds!!!
  • From: "Mr. Amman Richard." <ammchard@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 14:23:37 +0100
  • Reply-to: ammanri@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-tf1-survey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


From: Mr. Amman Richard. 

Dear Friend, 

I head an audit committee in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and we are presently reviewing contracts awarded to foreign firms by the past managements of NNPC between 1988 to 1999.

The NNPC is a Nigerian Government owned Oil Company solely responsible for the worldwide sale of the Nigerian Crude (Bonny-light which is equivalent to the North Sea Brent) and accounts for over 85% of Nigeria's National Income. 


In the course of our review of these contract records; my colleagues and I have secured the sum of Twenty Three Million United States of America Dollars (US$23,000,000.00) from the contracts under review. This amount is now successfully positioned in the NNPC records as outstanding contract payment due to a foreign contractor and it is our desire to cause this money to be paid to a foreigner whom we will front as the rightful foreign contractor and beneficiary. 


As we have perfected the modalities to achieve a hitch free and risk free operation to realize our desire, I ask you to participate and be the foreigner. We intend to follow the normal rules, procedures and processes outlined for the payment of a foreign contractor and we hope to cause payment to be effected to your accounts within 14 working days. 

We have therefore agreed to:

(1) Ask for your full participation/assistance. (2) Use your account for this transfer. (3) Give you a share of 30% while we benefit 70% from your account. (4) Discuss the safety of our share, what volume to invest and areas of good investment. 

Finally, I thank you for your anticipated co-operation while I await your urgent response to this message as timing is a very important tool to the success of this transaction. 

Endeavor also to keep this to yourself only so as to sustain the confidential nature of this opportunity. Reply by e-mail: ammanri@xxxxxxxxxx 

Yours faithfully,


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