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[registrars] Expected turnout for teleconference on gTLD

  • To: Registrars Constituency <registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] Expected turnout for teleconference on gTLD
  • From: "Robert F. Connelly" <BobC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 13:33:21 -0800
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Ross:

I made the reservation for up to 20. If we fall far short, FreeConference.com will "chastise me". Do you have any idea how many might participate?

If necessary, I can also increase the number of lines up to several hours prior to the starting time.

Regards, BobC, Secretary

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