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[registrars] Registrar amendments to IPC draft

  • To: 3DOW3tf <dow3tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] Registrar amendments to IPC draft
  • From: "Ross Wm. Rader" <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 12:14:09 -0400
  • Cc: registrars@xxxxxxxx
  • Organization: Tucows Inc.
  • Reply-to: ross@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (Windows/20040913)

Hash: SHA1

Pursuant to our teleconference yesterday, I have created a revised draft
~  of the IPC recommendations that I would be comfortable presenting to
the membership of the Registrar constituency.

There was one additional change made that we did not discuss at
yesterday's meeting concerning allowing a registrar the discretion to
delete a domain name sooner than the time period specified in the event
that the information is prima facia inaccurate. This discretion
introduces a degree of liability that I do not consider appropriate.
Accordingy, I have removed the offending terms from the IPC draft.

I would also note that there are a number of ambiguities in this draft
that would need to be clarified prior to ratification.

If there are any questions, I'd be happy to discuss them via email prior
to our teleconference next week.

Draft TF3 Recommendations
revised 10-13-2004
by Ross Wm. Rader (ross@xxxxxxxxxx)
Status: Draft for comment

I. Steps to Verify & Correct Inaccuracy in Response to a Complaint

A. When a registrar receives a complaint about the accuracy of
registrant data via the Whois Data Problems Reporting System that
registrar shall take reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of that
data by contacting the registrant through at least two of the following
four methods: 1) email; 2) telephone number; 3) facsimile number; or 4)
postal mail. If one method fails, then another method shall be used. If
both of the two pursued methods fail (e.g., email bounce-back; telephone
or fax disconnected; or a return to sender message), registrar may place
the domain name on hold or cancel the registration but must allow the
registrant 30 days to respond.

B. If a registrant responds to registrar notifications of inaccuracy
within the 30 day time limit, providing updated data, registrar shall
verify the accuracy of at least one of the following three updated data
elements: 1) email; 2) telephone number; or 3) facsimile number.
Verification may consist of the registrar using the updated data to
effectively contact the registrant, confirming the registrants
correction of its contact data or by requesting that the Registrant
provide the Registrar with "proof of authenticity" of the contact
information (i.e. photocopy of drivers license, utility bill, et al). If
one element remains inaccurate, registrar shall verify one of the other
elements. If the contact information remains inaccurate or unverified,
the registrar may place the domain name on hold or cancel the
registration but must allow the registrant 30 days to respond.

II. Additional Steps to Verify & Correct Inaccuracy in Response to a

A. Registrar may provide any complainant with the option of expedited
verification and correction. If this option is chosen, the registrar may
charge a fee and shall promptly advise complainant of the completion of
each of the following steps:

1. Registrar uses all of the following methods simultaneously to contact
the registrant:

a. email;
b. Telephone;
c. Facsimile;
d. Postal mail; and

2. If at least two of the four contact methods fails, registrar
immediately places domain name on hold, allowing registrant 30 days to
respond before the domain name is cancelled; or

3. If registrant does respond to inaccuracy notifications, registrar
individually verifies the accuracy of the following updated data elements:
a. email;
b. Telephone;
c. Facsimile; and
d. Postal mail.
- --

~                       -rwr

~                "Every contrivance of man, every tool, every instrument,
~                 every utensil, every article designed for use, of each
~                 and every kind, evolved from very simple beginnings."
~                        - Robert Collier

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