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[registrars] whois tf voting issue (fwd)

  • To: Registrars List <Registrars@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] whois tf voting issue (fwd)
  • From: Rick Wesson <wessorh@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 17:01:31 -0800 (PST)
  • Cc: Registrars Executive Committee <rc-excom@xxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


The following note went out to the 3 RC members that came in second on the
ballots to determine the RC reps for the 3 Whois Task Forces that are
currently in motion.

The excom received a request from the NC to maintain an alternate for each
TF. Instead of having another ballot for each TF alternate the excom
decided to place the "runner up" in the position of alternate on the
respective Whois Task Forces.

The following letter as sent to each of the three runners-up and each
affirmed that they would serve at the pleasure of the constituency in the
role of alternate on the respective task force.

The following note outlines the issue and discusses the rationale of the
excom in using the runner-up as the alternate for each of the 3 whois task



Rick Wesson, on behalf of the RC Excom.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:28:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Rick Wesson <wessorh@xxxxxx>
To: Elana Broitman <ebroitman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, bcute@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Cc: Registrars Executive Committee <rc-excom@xxxxxx>
Subject: whois tf voting issue

Brian, Elana, Tim:

For the purpose of the Whois task forces, the GNSO Council has allowed
that constituencies may appoint an alternate representative who may
participate in the work of the task force if the primary representative
is unable to. This allows the registrar constituency to appoint an
alternate representative for each task force who may represent the views
of the registrar constituency in the even that the primary
representative is unable to participate in any given meeting. At all
times, work relating to the task force must be coordinated with the
primary representative.

The primary representatives for each task force are;

Whois TF 1 - Paul Stahura
Whois TF 2 - Tom Keller
Whois TF 3 - Ross Rader

The Executive Committee has decided to allow the runner-up in each
ballot to participate as the alternate to these primary representatives.
  Therefore, the alternate representatives for each task force are
(assuming that these individuals wish to serve the constituency in this

Whois TF 1 - Elana Broitman
Whois TF 2 - Tim Ruiz
Whois TF 3 - Brian Cute


"That for the purpose of the WHOIS task forces, constituencies be
allowed to appoint more than one person to listen in on teleconferences
and to participate in the mailing list, but in any single teleconference
or physical meeting, there is only one person from the constituency to
represent the constituency's views."

Would each of you please confirm to the excom that your are capable and
willing to serve in these alternate positions for the respective whois TF.


Rick Wesson, on behalf of the RC Execuitive Committee

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