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Re: [registrars] [Fwd: [dow3tf] Envoi d'un message : TMP1071162345.htm]

  • To: michael@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [registrars] [Fwd: [dow3tf] Envoi d'un message : TMP1071162345.htm]
  • From: "Ross Wm. Rader" <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 13:49:26 -0500
  • Cc: registrars@xxxxxxxx
  • In-reply-to: <DHEIJCFHPEMGGMBMIIDAGEEPDDAA.michael@palage.com>
  • Organization: Tucows Inc.
  • References: <DHEIJCFHPEMGGMBMIIDAGEEPDDAA.michael@palage.com>
  • Reply-to: ross@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031205 Thunderbird/0.4

On 12/12/2003 1:24 PM Michael D. Palage noted that:

> ...the need for ALL constituencies to be
properly represented and have their voice heard.
I believe that this is the case already. The confusion stems not from a 
lack of representation or bad rules and processes, but instead, from my 
failure to read all of my email. A quick glance at the whois-TF mailing 
list archives will show that the rules governing TF membership, 
participation rights and representativity are all very clearly defined.
I will summarize them here to everyone the trouble of finding it for 
themselves (and as penance for causing the confusion in the first 
place.) Please disregard everything else I have said on the subject, I 
was wrong.
I am not sure what capacity Marilyn is acting in, this needs to be 
clarified. I have assumed that she was acting as a liaison from another 
Whois TF, but she may also be acting as an outside advisor as the chair 
of the former Whois TF. It is also possible, but not likely, that she is 
indeed an observer for the BCUC and should therefore yield the floor to 
Sarah. Again, I don't believe that this final possibility is the case.
Again, I apologize to everyone for having caused this confusion and hope 
that we can move on to more substantive matters.
Excerpted from various Whois-TF posts by the Secretariat...

- 1 representative from each constituency
- ALAC liaison
- GAC liaison
- ccNSO liaison
- SECSAC liaison
- liaisons from other GNSO WHOIS task forces
- up to three outside advisors

The ICANN bylaws
5. Composition and Selection of Task Forces

a. Upon voting to appoint a task force, the Council shall invite each of the constituencies of the GNSO to appoint one individual to participate in the task force. Additionally, the Council may appoint up to three outside advisors to sit on the task force. (Each task force member is referred to in this Annex as a "Representative" and collectively, the "Representatives"). The Council may increase the number of Representatives per constituency that may sit on a task force in its discretion in circumstances that it deems necessary or appropriate.



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