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Re: [registrars] Verisign ownes every name that does not exist - millions for free!

  • To: Jim Archer <jarcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [registrars] Verisign ownes every name that does not exist - millions for free!
  • From: Larry Erlich <erlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 22:44:18 -0400
  • Cc: registrars@xxxxxxxx
  • Organization: DomainRegistry.com, Inc.
  • References: <26267821.1063656623@[]>
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

With Verisign collecting pay per click
for this it will vaporize everybody else in
this business (like Ultimate Search etc.) that has
an actual cost to do the same thing along with
legal risk etc. There won't be any money left
over from the advertisers to pay anyone else.

Larry Erlich

Jim Archer wrote:
> Clever Verisign.  I suppose you could only do this if you are the monopoly
> that controls the root zone, although I have not figured out exactly how
> they do it yet.  I'm sure it will be clear as soon as we look into it.
> But really, Verisign is essentially using every name that does not exist,
> thereby making it exist, kind of sort of.  Can they do this?  I would have
> thought that even Verisign has to pay for their domain names.  With this
> thing in place, they are essentially getting millions of domains for free.
> And, since many unsophisticated users often use a web browser to see if a
> domain is available, NSI gets a huge advantage if Verisign decides to link
> them to register the domain.
> I sure wish that my company could do this.  I'll bet everyone here does.
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A996-2003Sep12?language=printer
> http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/technology/AP-Internet-Typos.html
> *************************
> James W. Archer
> http://www.RegistrationTek.com

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