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Re: [ispcp] Fw: Joint SO-AC-SG-C Submission on ICANN's Enhancing ICANN Accountabitliy Plan

Thanks Olivier,

I’m just about finalizing the ISPCP statement and shall include your suggested amendment.
I think then it’s ready to send out which I’ll do.

And there’s no objection for Tony to sign the joint statement.

Best regards


From: olivier.muron@xxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 12:43 PM
To: WUKnoben 
Cc: Tony Holmes ; ispcp@xxxxxxxxx 
Subject: Re: [ispcp] Fw: Joint SO-AC-SG-C Submission on ICANN's Enhancing ICANN Accountabitliy Plan

Wolf, Tony,

Three points:
1) I agree we should support the joint statement,
2) I think we should also post our own, because it brings different prospectives, on transparency, manageability and scope (legal status); my understanding is that BC will also post one of its own,
3) I would suggest if it not too late to add to the first paragraph of our statement the following sentence:
"We also suggest that participation in the Coordination Group from the community be broadened to one representative per constituency, rather than one per GNSO stakeholder group. The three constituencies of the CSG have various perspectives and should each have a seat on the Coordination Group". 
I understand that such a demand will be formulated by BC.

In the current context, it is very important to show unity, while having our own voice heard...

Best regards,

Le 25 sept. 2014 à 22:24, WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :


  I understand the RySG document may be a starting point where some of the essentials could be taken for the joint statement. RySG was asking all other SGs to review this text and amend it as appropriate.

  Best regards


  From: olivier.muron@xxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 7:54 PM
  To: Tony Holmes 
  Cc: WUKnoben ; ispcp@xxxxxxxxx 
  Subject: Re: [ispcp] Fw: Joint SO-AC-SG-C Submission on ICANN's Enhancing ICANN Accountabitliy Plan

  I am in favour of joint statements whenever It is possible.
  In the particular case, I know that time is short but I would like to read the joint draft; at this point I read only the Ry text... nothing from BC! 
  If we cannot agree on a joint statement, we should have one of our own. 

  Le 25 sept. 2014 à 19:18, Tony Holmes <tonyarholmes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :


    As time is very tight to respond I wanted to make it clear that unless comments are received that are in opposition to signing on to a joint statement, I will offer our support tomorrow.




    From: owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-ispcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of WUKnoben
    Sent: 25 September 2014 11:15
    To: ispcp@xxxxxxxxx
    Subject: [ispcp] Fw: Joint SO-AC-SG-C Submission on ICANN's Enhancing ICANN Accountabitliy Plan
    Importance: High




    as the public comment period on ICANN’s Enhancing Accountability Plan is coming to a close on 27 Sep our constituency has drafted a related comment, see attached.

    The initiative which lead ICANN to solicit public comment on the matter was based on the joint letter to Fadi signed by all SO/AC/SG/constituency leaders.

    Consequently there is an effort to provide a joint SO/AC leaders statement, too. I’m convinced that this would add considerable weight to our shared concerns.


    Please respond immediately whether in principle you are in support of this approach or if there are basic objections.

    Tony shall then advise the RySG who took a driver seat in this effort whether we’ll join. 

    The latest draft of the RySG comments on the Enhancing ICANN Accountability process is also attached. 

    Best regards




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