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[ga] specific statements concerning the technical failure of ICANN

  • To: ga <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] specific statements concerning the technical failure of ICANN
  • From: Joe Baptista <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:21:10 -0400
  • Cc: "tlda-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <tlda-members@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, `TLDA Member List <members@xxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

I was recently advised that a statement made some time ago on the GA has in someway caused the GA damages for me to have said so publicly at this time.  The specific statement was contained under the subject line "[ga] Good news announcement - TLDA on the move again ....".

My specific words which seemed to cause offense are "It is time to take over ICANN.  What I consider will go down in history as the most useless organization in DNS history since Jon Postel".

First I would like to make clear to all that my position as list monitor of the GA GNSO ICANNT does not in any way interfere with my personal feelings and knowledge of ICANN.

When I said ICANN was the "most useless organization in DNS history" I was being nice.  In fact i should correct this statement a preface to it that I hold ICANN personally responsible for specific increases in technical error on the Internet.  Thats real DNS traffic generated because of error conditions at the ICANN root.

ICANN was founded on a promise.  That it would not cause operational error.  ICANN inspires it.  ICANN is the reason why we have to rethink root infrastructure from the outside in.  Because ICANN has created a hell of a mess in fractured name space.  The proof is available.

Now I stand 100 % behind the statement.  And I can back it up with technical proof.  ICANN has caused serious damage to the internet.  Specifically several root fractures.  No one root looks like the other.


Multiple roots = multiple errors.

I hold ICANN personally responsible for this technical mess which is a clear violation of RFC 2826.


Back in 2000 or so I discovered a trend in error rates that corelated directly with the increase in roots.  By 2003 it became a massive error rate at the root.


Now I suspect today the error rate has significantly increased to 99.99% of the root traffic which far exceeds billions of errors per day.  And much of that error is from the China Root (MII) and the Arab root systems.  Big problems.  And alot of wasted bandwidth all dedicated to error because root don't see each other.

Boys and Girls - you must all understand that the internet is not a place to experiment with error rates. People are making money but the internet is suffering from lag and congestion at the roots and being prevented from haveing a functional error free dns. And all this nonsense while the dns grows exponentially in usage.

But I can't get too excited over this.  Europe has shown us that icann is irrelevant in the big picture - www.unifiedroot.com , www.inaic.com , www.tlda.net , www.publicroot.org .  Now it's time to deliver the technology and bury the beast.

The GA has to walk away from the GNSO and become an independent organ of icann.  Thats my two cents for reason.  If people  in ICANN are afraid of what I stand for, then my position is one in which I could care less.

My only reason for accepting the monitor position at the GA is that I know I can facilitate and deliver a functional GA list.  After all these rules we have adopted were generated by ICANN insiders lead by yours trully.  We can say that the rules adopted here were structured after my good person.  So I can assure everyone fair play.

Under the law I am a man who is not quick to judge.  I may occassionally issue a barb her or there for good behaviour.  But overall I am a reasonable man in my own way.  That is as your list monitor.

My hope for the GA is that it will get a voice at ICANN.  Long over due in my personal opinion.  My vision for the GA is not to have it go begging to icann for a voice.  Indeed the GA is either ICANNs salvation, or its burial.  Only ICANN can appeal to us for salvation.  Thats the respect I have for many of the people on the GA.  But only ICANN directors can save ICANN .. and theres not much intelegence there.  Yes these are seasoned business and industry people - but they have no idea the damage icann is causing the networks, they don't see any root server statistics.  Blind leading the blind.

So as monitor I will hold up someones right to censor ICANN in a public forum.  But we now all have rules to play by.  And I think thats grand.  So lets all play nice, but niceness should never cloak the truth.

regards joe bapista

p.s. - maybe I should elaborate on that.

It is time to take over ICANN. What I consider will go down in history as the most useless organization in DNS history since Jon Postel.

Joe Baptista

-- Joe Baptista www.publicroot.org PublicRoot Consortium ---------------------------------------------------------------- The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive, Representative & Accountable to the Internet community @large. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Office: +1 (202) 517-1593 Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

Joe Baptista                                www.publicroot.org
PublicRoot Consortium
The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive,
Representative & Accountable to the Internet community @large.
 Office: +1 (202) 517-1593
    Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

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