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Re: [ga] List Rules, Truth of Representations

At 17:26 04/08/2007, Joshua Brady wrote:
I fully support this and propose that members who misrepresent themselves be permanently removed from the list.

Dear Josh,
I am afraid this is totally out of context and countrary to the ICANN and users best interests.

The GNSO is supposed to be an ICANN BoD support organisation. The GA is not to represent people but to float ideas and permit debates that can be of use to BoD Members. You are fully entitled to create a DNHolder constituency, to join ALAC, etc. if you want to live among identified people. The need here is not for identified people but for pertinent inputs.

I would be extremely happy if I discovered that Jeff is George Bush or Vint Cerf in disguise as we thought one of the Jeffies might be a long ago. The purpose of the GA is precisely to permit debated inputs from knowledgable people who do not necessarily want to identify themselves and join a constituency (or are prevented to join their own constituency :-)). When competent these people usually are pertinent.

IMHO all this debate among 15 people in order to definitly kill the GA is a pure waste of time, detrimental to ICANN, and just a way to increase the number of responses when googling "ICANN GNSO abcd" for the abcd persons' internet governance pseudo-credibility.

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