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Re: [ga] Re: VeriSign & Korean IDN.com issues

Stephane and all,

  I have to in part agree with Stephane here.  This is really not
an ICANN problem but a Verisign problem.  However as
Verisign is a ICANN via RAA contract, seems reasonable
that if the registrant of this domain name is not getting reasonable
service and Verisign is at least part of the problem, than ICANN
should intervene at this point even if it isn't  a RAA specified
contractual issue.

  I agree fully IE 7 is a mess and should be avoided as a default.

Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

> > is discontinues i-nav navigation server operations which the
> > Verisign operates from Korea and the various area does.
> ...
> > Based on these facts, I proposes ICANN and Verisign to know about
> > seriousness of problem and to take the appropriate management.
> I do not really see why the ICANN would have to do anything at
> all. These users installed a software which depends on an external
> service. The service (operated by Verisign, not ICANN, and apparently
> not covered by Verisign contractwith ICANN) was
> discontinued. Period. Users made a big mistake, not they pay for it.
> This sort of things happen all the time, especially with non-free
> software. Do we want ICANN to regulate the installation of every
> networking software???
> Firefox users can see IDN just fine and they do not depend on an
> external service (a bad idea from the start).
> I hope MS IE users will remember the lesson next time they plan to
> install the latest gadget.

Jeffrey A. Williams
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