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[ga] Re: [RAA-WG] Draft Responses to CEO Questions - Food for thought

  • To: raa-wg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] Re: [RAA-WG] Draft Responses to CEO Questions - Food for thought
  • From: Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2007 01:55:51 -0700
  • Cc: General Assembly of the DNSO <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Organization: INEGroup Spokesman
  • References: <200707160954.1iar2q2j13Nl36t0@mx-collie.atl.sa.earthlink.net>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Debbie and all,

  I am afraid your food would starve my brain and the same abuses
would still remain.  < nice bit of poetry without even trying to, eh? >

  The remainder of my response is interspersed below.

Debbie Garside wrote:

>    Hi All
> A few quick thoughts based on Paul Twomey's questions to get the
> discussion
> going.  I reserve the right to change my views at any time...
> especially
> when I receive an actual copy of the RAA and accompanying policies :-)
> Purpose of Register Accreditation Policy and Agreement
> What is the primary purpose of the Registration Accreditation
> Agreement? Is
> it a compliance tool? If so how can it be strengthened to protect
> registrants?
> Primary purpose is to establish rules for accreditation in order that
> applicant registrars can be assessed.  It should be a compliance tool
> linked
> to an assessment process.  It can be strengthened by introducing
> conformity
> assessment procedures that are conducted annually.

Good idea here.  Bi annually would be better and more direct
time effective to addressing existing or reported abuses by registrants.

A year is a long time to wait for a resolution to what is often a
simple problem and/or abuse.

Secondly the form and granularity of the assessment procedures is a
huge key here if success or perceived success by the registrant is to be

achieved and is the goal.

> Rating of Registrars
> How should ICANN and/or the registrar constituency encourage a system
> that
> rates registrars according to customer service and performance and
> should
> this be available to registrants?
> Registrars should be rated according to an externally conducted
> conformity
> assessment process (for instance A - E).  Registrars who receive
> conformity
> assessments of D or less are given warning notice and may be
> suspended/struck out if performance is not improved within 6 months
> (resulting in two conformity assessments in one year).  Performance
> indicators (conformity assessment grade) should be made publicly
> available.

Warning notices are a nicety, and of course politically correct, but
historically rarely have very much if any effect.  Example: RegistryFly.

ICANN issued warnings, and still those folks at RegistryFly, did
as they pleased.

6 months for compliance is far too long for most registrants whom
may or are effected.  20 working days is more like it. If it were
me, I'd give 5 working days to comply or loose there accreditation
on the 6th day, no exceptions.

> Affiliated Registrars / Group ownership
> Affiliated registrars have common ownership or control. What is the
> best
> mechanism for ICANN to hold affiliated registrars accountable for an
> affiliate's actions?
> ALL registrars, whether affiliated or group, should undergo conformity
> assessment.  Affiliated registrars are accountable and this will thus
> ensure
> that an affiliate acts appropriately.

Agreed here.

> Additional compliance enforcement tools
> Stronger compliance tools need to be included in any reform to the
> RAA. What
> are those tools? Do they encompass liquidated damages? Should
> registrars be
> able to be suspended more readily? Are there other options? What are
> the
> mechanisms that allow such options to be enforced quickly?
> International or industry standards for conformity assessment should
> be
> established.  If domain names are held by the registrants there would
> not be
> such a problem. This needs to be placed into new rules.  This could
> allow
> for blanket notifications when problems occur and the ability for
> registrants to place their domains with other registrars (list being
> proffered with assessment grades) within 48 hours.  Registrars should
> be
> suspended when they do not conform - rules to be established.
> Complaints
> from at large community mechanism for when a registrar is consistently
> failing may invoke immediate conformity assessment by governing body
> which
> may result in the registrar avoiding suspension - rules need to be
> established (e.g. indicator may be that complaint level rises
> sharply).
> Governing body needs to take interim control when Registrar fails.

Agreed here also as long as the rules are enforceable and/or meet the
rule of US law accordingly.

> Transfer policy
> What elements of the transfer policy need to be reformed? Should
> registrants
> have an alternative to their current registrar for the issuing of
> authcodes
> and the unlocking of them? Should ICANN or another entity be able to
> do
> this?
> Registrants should be in control of issuing authcodes and unlocking
> them.
> Domain ownership is only passed to the registrants upon payment of the
> registrars invoice. Dispute mechanism required.

Agreed here as well.

> Registrar operator skill testing
> How is it possible to assess registrar skills and to train registrars
> to a
> common standard of performance upon which registrants can rely?
> Industry service standard with conformity assessment process.
> Accreditation by purchase
> It is possible for companies to 'avoid' accreditation application
> process by
> buying a registrar. How can abuse of this loophole be stopped?
> Conformity Assessment conducted annually

Bi annually is far better and more accountable.

> Proxy registrations
> There needs to be an examination of proxy registrations in light of
> difficulties faced in registrar data recovery. What is the balance
> between
> privacy and disclosure?
> Policy on data security and backup.  Dispute resolution incorporated
> that
> would give control of data to an interim governing body (such as

Yes, ICANN only must be held responsible for this function and data
at no additional cost to any registrant now or in the future.  Also a
data recovery ability by any registrant online for any and all archived
data for his/her or their domain name or names at any time should
be mandatory. Only a registrant, a registrants decedent, or a law
enforcement agency with a subpoena may have any access or
recover said archived or real time registration data.

> Reseller liability under RAA
> What tools are needed to ensure better accountability by resellers to
> registrants?
> A reseller body should be established.  Resellers should be governed
> by the
> same rules as registrars and register to a reseller body that would
> disseminate information on best practice.  All resellers/registrars
> should
> publish rules openly.

Rules here must be set by or agreed to on a case by case basis by

> Registrar data escrow
> What data needs to be escrowed? If implementation needs to move
> faster,
> greater resource allocation is required. What level of resourcing is
> necessary?
> Clarification of ICANN's responsibilities and the options available to
> registrants
> ICANN recently posted a guide for registrants on its website but
> additional
> consumer options (outside ICANN) should be identified for and provided
> to
> registrants. Is there a need for a new entity to assist customers and
> intervene on behalf of their concerns?
> Yes.  New entity required.  Professional body for
> registrars/resellers.

And a Professional body of registrants whom must approve any and
all considerations before enactment.

>  best
> Debbie Garside
> Managing Director
> ICT Marketing Ltd
> Corner House
> Barn Street
> Haverfordwest
> Pembrokeshire SA61 1BW
> Wales UK
> Tel: 0044 1437 766441
> Fax: 0044 1437 766173
> Web: http://www.ictmarketing.co.uk
>    Part 1.2       Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>               Encoding: 7bit


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 134k members/stakeholders strong!)
"Obedience of the law is the greatest freedom" -
   Abraham Lincoln

"Credit should go with the performance of duty and not with what is
very often the accident of glory" - Theodore Roosevelt

"If the probability be called P; the injury, L; and the burden, B;
liability depends upon whether B is less than L multiplied by
P: i.e., whether B is less than PL."
United States v. Carroll Towing  (159 F.2d 169 [2d Cir. 1947]
Updated 1/26/04
CSO/DIR. Internet Network Eng. SR. Eng. Network data security
IDNS. div. of Information Network Eng.  INEG. INC.
ABA member in good standing member ID 01257402
E-Mail jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Registered Email addr with the USPS
Contact Number: 214-244-4827

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