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Re: Don't screw up our ICANN (was RE: [ga] RE: issues that are long closed?)

Dear Kim,
Wake up ! I am afraid ICANN's little Australia is really far apart from the rest of the world :-)
I suggest you to start reading Lessig's last book. Not perfect, but a few good hints.

At 18:02 05/07/2007, Kim Davies wrote:
Quoting JFC Morfin on Thursday July 05, 2007:
| | However, the fear of a legal responsibility of ICANN comes from its
| pretence that it _operates_ the Internet, instead of accepting that
| the only possible stable position for ICANN is to _serve_ the

When has ICANN claimed it operates the Internet? I don't see anyone
making that claim.

Then, there is no need to protect it from any responsibility since it has none. I am sure that Paul Twomey will be relieved.

| Internet national, global, and specialized communities, being
| accountable to their Trustees (who also happen to be their ccTLD
| Managers).

You're kidding right? ccTLD Managers are designated as trustees for
running their country's ccTLD, not to be the trustees for ICANN, or the
Internet as a whole. ccTLD Managers are only expected to be accountable
to their local Internet communities on how to run their ccTLD.

You funny. ICANN is accountable to the national communities how it supports their needs. Fairy tales are good to repeat but you should not expect people to believe them once they are grown up. You have asked enough the Govs to be involved, progressively the ccTLD Managers are what you wanted: the Govs. Their first duty is to protect us from you, as much as we expect you to protect us from them, so we can survive both. Somethikng like Church and State. That you failed with @large, so we went to find to the IGF.

I think if you honestly believed what you are saying, you'd be calling
for the abolition of all of ICANN's constituencies and letting ccTLD
Managers set all ICANN policy.

Certainly. This is what we established 30 years ago, and I call for for the past 10 years :-)

 However it would seem absurd that ICANN
only be accountable to what you have designated as its "trustees". In
the case of the United States of America, for example, that would mean
Neustar would be responsible the country's oversight of ICANN.

Decisions like "kid.us" are taken in France by AFNIC, in many countries by a private ccTLD Manager. In the USA by the Congress. This tells who is the real ccTLD Manager.

| A lean ICANN as a secretariat of the Internet communities' Trustees
| keeping an Excel table is what users need.

ICANN's entire mission is encompassed by maintaining a single table in a
spreadsheet listing ccTLD Managers?

You mean that it is also a gTLDs and sTLDs trade syndicate like TLDA?

I am only interested in the IANA functions it was created to be delegated. Don't forget the IP blocks.
BTW: Vint Cerf said once the authoritative root is the root with the largest number of users. This makes it Neustar, not for ".us" but as the manager of the GSMA root, with ".gprs".

Please, get real! There is an extremely good document to start with: ICP-3 by ICANN.

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