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Re: [ga] working group to design a better RAA

  • To: "Hugh Dierker" <hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx>, "GA" <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] working group to design a better RAA
  • From: "kidsearch" <kidsearch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 08:28:35 -0400
  • References: <20070407013927.90395.qmail@web52901.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Eric, there is a problem I'd like to address. Whenever a WG is formed but still posts to the list, even with the subject line changed, people not involved in the WG continue to comment. I understand the need for transparency and agree with anything that makes things more transparent. However, I run a nonprofit org and whenever a committee is formed to discuss a particular topic, they do it among themselves and take minutes so others can read what went on in those discussions. Then the committee reports their findings back to the board. it's efficient.

I think a WG should have their own mailing list and archives that anyone can read. If you really want to get something done, then a WG has to be formed and allowed to get their work done, then report their findings back to the list. That's my opinion.

I've been on this list for a long time and it is still confusing to me having so many different topics on one list. We are trying to get new people interested in joining and I can tell you that those I have asked to join the list are very confused and say that it jumps from topic to topic too fast for them to keep up. If we want more participation, we are going to have to improve the way this list operates in my honest opinion. Those who have been here a long tiome and understand how Internet governance works may not agree because THEY understand it just fine. But again, we are asking everyday Internet users to join and participate and if we do not simplify things it will never happen.

Chris McElroy aka NameCritic

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Hugh Dierker 
  To: kidsearch ; GA 
  Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 9:39 PM
  Subject: Re: [ga] working group to design a better RAA

  I take this as some concrete interest. 
  We need a chairperson for the WG.
  Sotiris has been mentioned and I will also mention Danny.

  It would be most appreciated if more will step forward to participate and Sotiris and Danny would respond. The forum for the group will be right here and all inclusive, using threads to delineate subjects and topics. Everyone can participate, but an actual group should be established of those with extreme interest and for agreeing on consensus positions.
  I would hope that minority viewpoints will be respected and reflected.

  I will take it upon myself to force someone to run this WG using my beauty and charm to coerce. However in that I am limited in such an arena I beg for someone to step forward.


  kidsearch <kidsearch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    Sign me up too

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: "Joop Teernstra" 
    To: "Hugh Dierker" 
    Cc: "Danny Younger" ; "Bashar Al-Abdulhadi" 
    Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 8:42 PM
    Subject: [ga] working group to design a better RAA

    > At 04:19 a.m. 5/04/2007, Hugh Dierker wrote:
    >>There is the RAA which is somewhat standardized by ICANN. It needs to be 
    >>brought up to date with this century.
    >>Then there is the registrant agreement side of the Registrar. Transfers 
    >>and drops are not very uniform and the policies in place do very little 
    >>for the consumer, be them B2B, Business to Individual or just plain for 
    >>It seems to me that the resulting registrant agreements and inextricably 
    >>entwined with the RAAs.
    >>Therefor I would suggest we put together a working group to make our input 
    >>on the RAAs known and heard.
    >>If volunteers are not forthcoming I will beg and cajole and threaten 
    >>people to head the wg. It is my understanding I have about 205 to chose 
    > I take this as a Motion from the Chair and I second it.
    > Such a working group can do a great deal of good for registrants.
    > Hopefully Sotiris will volunteer to chair it and a good number of typical 
    > registrants here will join.
    > The agenda of the WG should be the drafting, from the ground up, of an 
    > registrant-focused agreement that registrars can elect to adopt in the 
    > name of genuine competition.
    > -joop-

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