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[ga] new TLDs Report: Further options for input

Dear GA Listers

This is a general message in response to Danny Younger's posting indicating that the updated draft version of the new TLDs Report had been posted on the GNSO's website. Unfortunately Danny didn't identify where he thought the Report was "odious" and I am unable to divine what improvements could be made in the absence of concrete suggestions and proposed alternative language.

GA Listers may not be aware that the next phase of consultation about the new TLDs work is taking place at the ICANN Lisbon meeting (http:// www.icann.org/meetings/lisbon/).

In particular, I draw your attention to the following:

+ new TLDs Committee meeting --Saturday 24 March 09h00 to 12h00 -- working session; remote participation available
+ new TLDs Committee meeting with GAC -- Saturday 24 March 12h15 to 14h30 -- working lunch and discussion
+ new TLDs Committee meeting with IDN Working Group -- Sunday 25 March 09h00 to 12h00 -- working session; remote participation available

+ the new TLDs Public Forum on Monday 26 March -- webcast
+ the continuation of the GNSO Public Forum on Wednesday 28 March -- webcast
+ new TLDs Committee meeting - Thursday 29 March -- working session; remote participation available

In addition, ICANN has established its Public Participation Forum. Anyone can participate http://www.icann.org/announcements/ announcement-15mar07.htm

Finally, I take issue with the comment that Danny's made "...Feel free to start preparing your public comments that won't have any effect whatsoever."

This is completely inaccurate and I have copied below my 2 March 2007 response to Mawaki Chango on the new TLDs Committee list. It addresses NCUC-specific input but the message is consistent.

"As the lead policy staff member for the new TLDs process, I wanted to reiterate that I listen to and try to reflect in our reports all views that have been supported by a majority of people. There is always disagreement in much of what we do because there is such a diverse stakeholder base.

For the record, you will be aware that, after I received the December 2006 response paper from the NCUC, I sent a message to NCUC members asking for a special meeting to see if we could work through some of your constituency's concerns. After that I had a long conference call -- to which you and Milton were invited -- with Robin Gross to again see what we could do to address the NCUC's views. Robin agreed that she would provide suggested amended wording which she did right before the LA meetings. This was discussed in detailed with you in the room and Robin on the phone last week. I also had a separate meeting with Milton in Brussels and urged him to provide alternate wording that captured your ideas - this found its way into Robin's note. The NCUC have since released a statement about their views on the draft recommendations.

This is all part of the normal process of how we reach conclusions. No views are excluded and everyone is certainly listened to.

The biggest task for any constituency is to turn their objections into language which proposes a solution to problem rather than continuing to identify where problems exist without being part of the solution. The other large task is to spend time with other constituency members arguing cogently and persuasively about why the constituency's views should become the majority view.

Of course, if you need any further help, please let me know."

The offer of assistance to the GA List remains open.



Liz Williams
Senior Policy Counselor
ICANN - Brussels
+32 2 234 7874 tel
+32 2 234 7848 fax
+32 497 07 4243 mob

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