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Re: [ga] Chair election dates

Joop I can start saving the emails on that. Unfortunately did not do so before you asked me. It's easy to record when I set up a folder for all emails on a particulr topic. I'm pretty sure jeff or one of you saves them. If someone could forward me the emails pertaining to nominations it would help my slow brain process this easier.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joop Teernstra" <terastra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "kidsearch" <kidsearch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "ga" <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 9:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ga] Chair election dates

At 02:49 a.m. 18/03/2007, kidsearch wrote:
Joop, explain exactly what you want me to do. What I have seen so far and this is not a statement of fact, just the consensus I believe has been reached so far.

1. Eric Dierker, Chair
2. Sotiris, Vice-Chair, although not sure he accepted the nomination by Eric.
3. The term for the chair to be 6 months from a date that has not been set yet.
4. it was suggested that the vic4e chair's term be seven months the first time, then every 6 months after that so there is always a month's difference so the vice-chair can facilitate the new incoming chair.

None of those things seems set in stone. We may have to vote in the booth or here on the list on each of those items so everyone is clear about where we are. I'm not so clear on it myself.

Hi Chris,

What I meant was a memo for the record, summing up the whole history of nominations, secondings and acceptances of all candidates right up to the deadline.
That would include Karl and Danny, even though they did not accept.

This info must be presented to the voters in the polling booth, together with our consensus on the term of office and the mandate for action.
The last vote has rejected the spokesperson/"GA representative" role, which means the chair must solicit a vote on anything "representative" that he wants to utter outside the GA.

Re: term of office, "staggered" is the operative word. Both can have 6 months, but the vice chair's term starts and ends a month later than the Chair's.

Thanks for being willing to put in the work.


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