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Re: [ga] an ALAC Self-Review

We didn't give up the elections or the seats... they were taken away from us.

I cannot believe there are still ALACkies who are trying to justify the
existence their completely inconsequential little cabal; of course, it
does have its travel perks...


> Danny Younger wrote:
>> http://icannalac.org/content/view/148/88/
> ... it is a tale
> Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
> Signifying nothing.
> 	MacBeth - Act V, Scene V.
> This ALAC tale clearly isn't being told by an idiot, nor is it full of
> fury.  But it is full of sound - it is indeed most exceedingly full of
> sounds - and it signifies nothing.
> It's time for the ALAC to be unplugged as the abject failure that it is.
> And for this we gave up elections for seats on the ICANN board?
> 		--karl--

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