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Re: [ga] Transparency & Timeliness

  • To: Danny Younger <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Transparency & Timeliness
  • From: Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 00:03:10 -0700
  • Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, veni@xxxxxxxx, icann board address <icann-board@xxxxxxxxx>, Paul Twomey <twomey@xxxxxxxxx>, Kathy Smith <KSMITH@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Organization: INEGroup Spokesman
  • References: <20060914151106.1588.qmail@web52210.mail.yahoo.com>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Danny, Veni, and all,

  As is well known, our members views regarding Transparency,
Timeliness and openness from ICANN, especially the ICANN
Bod, staff, and Constituencies has been less than reasonable
by a significant margin.  Your mention below is one of only
many examples of how words from ICANN Bod, staff, and
Constituencies personnel do not fit the reality or jive with

  Any of ICANN's Bod or  staff members could have easily
forwarded on "the evaluation of new registry services" or
the "PIR proposal" as well as "VeriSign annual reports on
infrastructure improvements", at any time to this forum.  Why
such was not done in a timely manner, is beyond good reason.

Danny Younger wrote:

> Veni,
> ICANN's most recent announcement regarding registry
> services begins with the phrase, "As part of ICANN's
> effort to support a timely, open and transparent
> process for the evaluation of new registry services".
> Like many in the community I favor transparency with
> regard to registry matters (especially transparency
> that is timely).  I would like to discuss the issue of
> timeliness.
> Yesterday we became aware of a PIR proposal to
> introduce a 5-cent restocking fee to combat domain
> tasting.  This proposal appeared in a 15 May 2006
> letter to Tina Dam that never appeared in the
> Correspondence portion of the ICANN website (hardly
> what you would call transparent or timely since we are
> only hearing of this proposed initiative four months
> after it was detailed to ICANN Staff) -- the proposal
> may be viewed at
> http://listserv.syr.edu/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind0609&L=ncuc-discuss&T=0&F=&S=&P=2314
> Further, please take a moment to review once more the
> language in appendix W of the current May 2001 .com
> contract -- the last sentance pertaining to Research,
> Development and Infrastructure Improvements states:
> "Registry Operator shall provide ICANN with an annual
> report on this research and development activity".
> If ICANN truly has an abiding belief in transparency
> it would have made these VeriSign annual reports on
> infrastructure improvements public (and in a timely
> fashion) -- the last five consecutive annual reports
> have been hidden from the public eye.
> One has to wonder if ICANN is really committed to
> transparency and timeliness, or if it only offers
> lip-service to the concept.
> I would appreciate hearing your personal views on the
> topic.
> best regards,
> Danny
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Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup LLA. - (Over 134k members/stakeholders strong!)
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