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RE: [ga] 225 names deleted (and no registrar data escrow)

  • To: Danny Younger <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [ga] 225 names deleted (and no registrar data escrow)
  • From: Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 08:07:07 -0700
  • Cc: tim.cole@xxxxxxxxx, ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: Tim Ruiz <tim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: Web-Based Email 4.7.4

<div>Hi Danny,</div>
<div>Just an FYI, there has been some work done over the last few
months&nbsp;towards getting the escrow provision enforced. It is moving
slow, it is overdue, and there probably won't be widespread compliance
until some time into next year.&nbsp;You're certainly right to be
concerned but wanted to let you know it is at least being pursued.</div>
<div><BR>Tim Ruiz<BR>GoDaddy.com</div>
<DIV id=wmMessageComp name="wmMessageComp"><BR><BR>
blue 2px solid">-------- Original Message --------<BR>Subject: [ga] 225
names deleted (and no registrar data escrow)<BR>From: Danny Younger
&lt;dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx&gt;<BR>Date: Fri, September 08, 2006 2:07
pm<BR>To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<BR>Cc: tim.cole@xxxxxxxxx<BR><BR>"Owen
Borseth of Domainsite [at] IDNForums: <BR><BR>First, the issue is not
related to any kind of<BR>hardware failure, system failure, or data
loss. The<BR>reason the domain names were deleted was due
to<BR>employee error and only affected a limited number of<BR>domain
names registered on 2006-08-29 or 2006-08-30,<BR>depending on your time
zone. The affected registrars<BR>were Spot Domain LLC, Name.com LLC, and
Name.net LLC.<BR>225 domains got deleted and 216 have been restored
to<BR>date. There are 9 domains that we have not been able<BR>to get
back ...
all know that almost none of the registrars have<BR>escrowed their data
and that ICANN has routinely<BR>overlooked this ongoing breach of
contract. &nbsp;At issue<BR>is what will be done about the
situation...<BR><BR>The current ICANN Operating Plan
states:<BR>"Develop a registrar data escrow program in<BR>collaboration
with the registrar community. Install<BR>and operate the infrastructure
needed to escrow data<BR>or contract with an outside entity to
provide<BR>technical infrastructure. Create a process for<BR>approving
third-party data escrow service providers<BR>and verifying compliance
with ICANN's data escrow<BR>policies and procedures. &nbsp;Establish
registrar/ICANN<BR>team to develop program. &nbsp;Locate qualified
third-party<BR>escrow provider. &nbsp;Publish timetable for
full<BR>implementation."<BR><BR>This program (#1h) is under the
auspices of the<BR>registrar liaison. &nbsp;<BR><BR>It would be nice to
know when efforts will commence to<BR>inaugurate this program.
&nbsp;Perhaps the registrar<BR>liaison can offer some
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