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Re: [ga] Is ICANN Staff tinkering with the LSE's GNSO Review?

Danny Younger wrote:

This seems to stand somewhat at odds with the reply I
today received from Jane Tinkler, GNSO Review Research
Team LSE Public Policy Group, that states:

It's interesting - the LSE folks have never contacted me.
I did send some email to 'em a while back but I suspect that it got churned into oblivion because it didn't enter the right door in the right format.

In any case, I wonder - have the LSE folks talked only to "stakeholders" or have they talked to the real community of internet users, i.e. the folks who actually pay the costs and bear the burdens of ICANN's policies?

You might think they would want to talk to the five board members who actually were once-upon-a-time actually elected by the public.

BTW - if you have a pointer could you send me the email of someone to contact over there and say "hey, what about me?"


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