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Re: [ga] the icann of voip

Yeah I read them. Agree with you on VOIP and on the net neitrality issue, it
didn't pass this time, but probably will in the future. Individual users
with little money are going to end up with the poor end of Internet service
while those who can pay will have a better Internet. These companies are
going to make sure of that. It's a shame that this will be allowed, but with
the current board structure of ICANN being from Telco, IP Interest, and
other corporate backgrounds, I can see how it will be allowed.

Policy decisions should be taken away from ICANN altogether.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karl Auerbach" <karl@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "kidsearch" <kidsearch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [ga] the icann of voip

> kidsearch wrote:
> > http://www.newtelephony.com/news/65h23162949.html
> >
> > The ICANN of VOIP? Wow, VOIP is in big trouble.
> Did you see my blog entry of reply:
> The ICANN of VOIP? Nah - at
> http://www.cavebear.com/cbblog-archives/000254.html
> And I also wrote something about how Verisign might come out a big
> winner if the telcos get their way in the net neutrality mess:
> Network Neutrality - There Are Other Shoes To Drop - at
> http://www.cavebear.com/cbblog-archives/000253.html
> --karl--

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