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Re: [ga] At-Large membership: definition

Danny Younger ha scritto:

I refer you to the Membership Advisory Committee
Commentary on the Principles of the At-large

1. At-large membership should primarily represent
those individuals and organizations that are not
represented by the Supporting Organizations (SOs). http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/rcs/macberlin.html

In view of this definition (arrived at by consensus
through the ICANN process), can you explain to me on
what basis the ALAC certified the Intellectual
Property & Technology (IPT) Section of the Hawaii
State Bar Association as an at-large structure?

Intellectual property lawyers are already represented
within the GNSO.  They have a constituency called the
Intellectual Property Constituency.  Why didn't you
refer these applicants to their proper home within
ICANN instead of bastardizing the concept of At-Large
membership even further?

I can only tell you what were my own reasons for voting in favour.
From the diligence we made, it seems that the applicant is looking towards a broader perspective than the simple promotion of IP interests - they are apparently not interested in acting just as IP lawyers, but rather as individual users of the net. My idea is that - in the same spirit as in the original At Large elections, by the way - no one should be prevented from joining the At Large; that's exactly the sense of the term "primarily" in the document you quote, which, by the way, is not the binding definition of our constituency and mission, which is rather to be found in the ICANN Bylaws, and where the focus - appropriately, I think - is shifted from "everyone else" to "individual users of any kind".
You should look at the At Large in the overall, not in its individual constituents; the only way to prevent capture by any group is for all groups to participate. I am looking forward to see other groups and organizations participating in the future - the solution is to be more inclusive, rather than less inclusive.
vb. [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<-----
http://bertola.eu.org/ <- Prima o poi...

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