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[ga] Nominating Committee Announces Final Selections

  • To: "ga" <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] Nominating Committee Announces Final Selections
  • From: "GNSO SECRETARIAT" <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 20:16:33 +0200
  • Importance: Normal
  • Reply-to: <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[To: council[at]gnso.icann.org; ga[at]gnso.icann.org]
[To: liaison6c[at]gnso.icann.org; announce[at]gnso.icann.org]

Nominating Committee Announces Final Selections For Key Leadership Positions
within ICANN

After an intense period of outreach, consultation, recruitment, and
evaluation, the Nominating Committee (NomCom) of the Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced today its final selection
of four 'slates' of Nominees for four of ICANN's leadership bodies: the
Board of Directors, the Council of the Country Code Names Supporting
organisation (ccNSO),  the Council of the Generic Names Supporting
organisation (GNSO) and the Interim At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC). The
Nominees will join the already seated members of these bodies at the
conclusion of the ICANN Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, December 1 - 5.

GNSO Council
Maureen Cubberley (Canada - North America)
Term: Conclusion of ICANN Annual Meeting for 2004 until conclusion of ICANN
Annual Meeting for 2006

GNSO Secretariat

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