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[ga] GAC

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] GAC
  • From: Hugh Dierker <hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 06:31:52 -0700 (PDT)
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here is a portion of the last GAC report for ICANN. The fact that it is from March of this year and no update is posted from later meetings makes one wonder if governments care about what ICANN does.

3.         GAC Principles for the delegation and administration of 
            Country Code Top Level Domains.


The GAC noted the work done and progress made on updating its ccTLD Principles. The GAC will engage in a full discussion in Kuala Lumpur, after which the document will be put forward for consultations with all relevant stakeholders.


4.         WIPO II


The GAC notes the intention of the joint WIPO II Working Group to present an interim report to the ICANN Board before the end of March 2004. The GAC urges the Working Group to turn its attention to the implementation issues and to present the Board with options for actual implementation, if possible by the Kuala Lumpur meeting.


5.         GNSO activities


The GAC was briefed by the GNSO Council and given an update on the current activities, including the status of the Whois policy development process (PDP). In recognition of the significance of the issues pending before the GNSO, the GAC formed a new working group to specifically address the GNSO issues. The GAC will endeavour to meet the ambitious schedule presented by the GNSO Council.


6.         IPv6


The GAC acknowledges that much work has been done towards readiness for, and migration to, IPv6 and recognises that more work needs to be done.


The GAC looks forward to continuing the dialogue with the constituencies concerned. The GAC asks the Board to keep due attention to IPv6.


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