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Re: [ga] Saga

  • To: Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Saga
  • From: Hugh Dierker <hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 21:21:40 -0700 (PDT)
  • Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • In-reply-to: <4122E8A7.40755542@ix.netcom.com>
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Flip-Flop indicates a random change of direction or position.
Scheme, intentional misrepresentation or fraud is when the change was premeditated aforehand for the purpose of causing others to alter their position to their detriment and to your benefit.
Conspiracy is when two or more agree to do such an act and take one step in furtherance of their plan.
Bribery or racketeering is when this is committed by a gang or corporation and the pay off to the acting party is a position they obtained by furthering the initial improper conduct, whereby contributing to the scheme or racket.
Of course you would need an underlying improper purpose - say like; manipulating reports to agencies overseeing the conduct, lying to investigators, insider stock trading, obtaining government contracts.
Remember Capone went down on taxes.

Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Eric and all former DNSO GA members or other interested

I think it is very odd for Thomas to be saying what he is saying now
the DNSO GA as compared to what I originally said and strongly so
when the GA forum was disowned by the ICANN BoD and Staff...
Can you say Flip-flop??

Hugh Dierker wrote:

> The following is taken from ICANNWatch;
> Thomas Roessler has closed the ICANN-Europe mailing list. Once a
> low-traffic, hiqh quality talking shop to discuss .eu and other
> issues, it had (like so much discussion about ICANN in the wake of the
> takeover) become moribund.
> The text of the final message follows
> Hello,
> this is the final message to the icann-europe list; the list will be
> shut down when this message has been distributed. (Yes, I said I'd
> shut it down last January...)
> To stay informed about ICANN, I recommend that you regularly visit the
> following weblogs:
> * Chris Ambler at http://onthenet.ambler.net/
> * Karl Auerbach at http://www.cavebear.com/cbblog/
> * Susan Crawford at http://scrawford.blogware.com/
> * Bret Fausett at http://blog.lextext.com/blog
> * Ross Rader at http://www.byte.org/blog
> * Wendy Seltzer at http://wendy.seltzer.org/blog/
> * myself at http://log.does-not-exist.org/
> An aggregator that pulls together most of these blogs is at
> .
> For public discussions about ICANN, ICANNwatch at
> http://www.icannwatch.org/ is probably the best place.
> Sadly, I'm not aware of any public mailing lists for informed
> discussion about ICANN and across constituency boundaries at this
> point of time. During the reform process, we had hoped the GNSO's GA
> list could fulfill that function; unfortunately, I can't recommend
> joining that list to anyone.
> If you want to channel input into ICANN, you're always welcome to
> write to the At-Large Advisory Committee (of which I'm a member and
> the liaison to the GNSO Council) at .
> I just find this Roessler Charactar amazing. How as Chair of the GA
> did he work with the GNSO to destroy the assembly and now claim a hope
> for the list. It was he himself that destroyed all hope of the GA
> helping to get some stakeholder interest involved in ICANN. Hell, he
> is the guy that destroyed the archives. And acting chair took on the
> role of the Bullshit At-large yes man liason. This guy is a
> bookburning fascist manipulator.
> Eric


Jeffrey A. Williams
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