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[ga] Why look at at large?

  • To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ga] Why look at at large?
  • From: Hugh Dierker <hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 09:20:59 -0700 (PDT)
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The following discussion was capped off in the summer of 02.
Such notables as Karl, Judith, Rod and Esther.
After Joops intriguing statements yesterday, I brewed some tea, ran a hot bath for my wife and sat down for an hour or more reviewing this Icannatlarge.com.org beast.
I found myself in a real page turner of a moment captured in time. A snapshot of critical events as they unfolded. Why do two commissioners resign? Where did Pindar go? 
What ever happened to a mysterious 10k USD.  Why has it taken over two years to elect officials and adopt a constitution?
On a socio governance reflection; Why do people who are genuinely interested in beginning a noble cause insist on remaining in control of it, when that is the antithesis of the cause? Animal Farm and the story of the King with no clothes come to mind. Sinclairs' The Jungle rings true. Platos Republic and Machiavelle are no where to be found in reflection. 
I have a new one for cyber elections - BETA Elections. Rather than 800 folks standing around testing the water with their toe, why don't the brave ones that dive in and make it to the other side of the River become the rulers.(sorry I cannot remember the name of that river - Lithe' maybe)
Process first and activism later is great. Now on the Titanic, after the berg, can anyone recall who was elected by due process? I just can't recall the name of the duly elected leader of the opposition party to Saddam. Oh yea and here in the states the Brits waited until we had time for elections and a constitution before denying as many rights as possible. Sorry but earthquakes and firestorms don't wait for all emergency crews to be in place first.
"Just individuals".  Excuse me. Does that term mean individuals that are Just? Simply individuals, or exclusion of anyone that is not an individual.  A fellow with a techie background wrote something about using the qualifier of owning a domain name as a prerequisite to membership in an at large. On analysis, from his perspective he was right.
You see there is a huge data base and verifiable info on such registrants, called Whois. So all the gentleman saw was easy voter verification, and ease of programing for functions on a website. He totally missed privacy and dotcommoner rights and control by ip functionaries, well in fact he totally lost sight of the whole purpose of an at large.
Well he basically runs the at large of his choice and by his words all by himself.
Assuming there is a day when enough people choose to get involved and have their voices heard, we can learn much from the at large experience. 
A great man once said; "In the ways in which I am considered great, it is merely that my memory is fresh concerning past matters of those ways"
Eric Dierker

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