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Re: [ga] MINC letter to ICANN on Polish cctld posting of the Arabic language...

  • To: hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] MINC letter to ICANN on Polish cctld posting of the Arabic language...
  • From: Ibelimited1@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 04:42:11 EDT
  • Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

In a message dated 6/4/2004 4:29:47 AM GMT Standard Time,  
hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx writes:

I am sorry I missed something here.  I read you to  mean that it is offensive 
to an Arab for someone other than an Arab to speak  Arabic.  If that is what 
you meant you are in for a big surprise in the  real world. There are probably 
many non arabs that know more about being an  Arab than you do. I hope I can 
still speak Spanish even though I come from the  "new world". Or wait am I 
included in non-english speaking because I can speak  in non-english? I once sat 
in a board room with a Japanese man translating  Spanish into Mandarin and the 
board room was in Mexico. Of course the German  sitting there was laughing 
but he got his cotton shipped from somewhere to  somewhere else so it could be 
woven into clothe which was shipped somewhere  else before going to Italy as 
shirts. If you think race or color or religion  or location gives a group a 
monopoly on language you need to grow up. Next you  are going to tell me only men 
can do certain jobs or go to school.

Yes you did miss the point, entirely.

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