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Re: [ga] Domain Tasting is Dead

  • To: George Kirikos <gkirikos@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Domain Tasting is Dead
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 17:50:54 -0700

George and all,

  Knee-jerk reactions are all too common so don't feel embarrassed,
goes with the territory sometimes.

  What was agreed to in Paris has little to do with reality, as with
most "Declarations" of "Decisions" made by ICANN sense it's
inception, and many regular observers already know.

  I don't know, but I doubt that any Registrar has "Moved on"
as you say George.  Likely they are taking stock of what and how
long they need to behave until this issue falls off the radar screen.
And still others are not accurately reporting "Deletes", but doing
bogus deletes to skew the reported results, a rather easy thing to do
with little "Tracks" by which to prove such behavior.  No, it's
clear as glass that all registrars need constant 24/7 supervision.
And it's ICANN's mandate to effectively "Oversee" their contracted
agents, in this case, Registrars.

George Kirikos wrote:

> Hello,
> --- Dominik Filipp <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > volume there are no actual reasons for being such. The proposed
> > measures
> > have not been approved by the board yet and are therefore not being
> > applied in practice.
> It looks like I spoke too soon, as one registrar registered 73,741
> domains today:
> http://www.dailychanges.com/detail/?ns=COMNAMESERVICE.COM&date=2008-07-23&net=73676&changes=73741&act=n
> The board did approve the measures in Paris, see:
> http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-26jun08.htm
> "Resolved (2008.06.26.06), the Board adopts the GNSO policy
> recommendation on domain tasting, and directs staff to implement the
> policy following appropriate comment and notice periods on the
> implementation documents."
> There must be a few days left before the fees go into effect, and
> someone is milking every last "free" name. Most others appear to have
> seen the writing on the wall and moved on, though.
> Sincerely,
> George Kirikos
> http://www.kirikos.com/


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