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Re: [ga] Domain Tasting is Dead

  • To: George Kirikos <gkirikos@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Domain Tasting is Dead
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 19:16:31 -0700

George and all,

  I still have rather significant doubts that Domain Name Tasting
is dead, frankly.  Given much more independent reports in fact
it appears that Domain Name Tasting is still with us, and increasing
slightly.  Ergo it seems that http://www.dailychanges.com/ figures
are not accurately representing the facts.  Like my old granddaddy
once told me as a very young lad, figures don't lie, but liars figure.

George Kirikos wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I noticed from www.dailychanges.com (in particular the sections near
> the bottom with "NEW" domains and "DELETED" domains that for the most
> part, domain tasting is now dead. Some folks doubted that the problem
> would end with the non-refundable ICANN fee, but it's pretty clear that
> the economic solution did work.
> Hopefully economics will continue to be a way to deter other abusive or
> undesirable practices in the future.
> Just off hand, one of the reasons that there are some registrars with
> multiple accreditations is that it's a way to get access to extra
> "threads" for expired domains, and for extra "firepower" during
> sunrises/landrushes. With appropriate economic changes (i.e. paying for
> extra threads, or for sunrise/landrush access), all that wasted
> paperwork, etc. setting up multiple registrars could be eliminated, and
> a "win-win" solution could be achieved.
> Sincerely,
> George Kirikos
> http://www.kirikos.com/


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