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Re: [ga] IPETEE - forget DNSSEC

  • To: peter@xxxxxxxx, Ga <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] IPETEE - forget DNSSEC
  • From: JFC Morfin <jefsey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2008 20:17:16 +0200

At 00:11 13/07/2008, Peter Dambier wrote:
Thank you Jefsey, for pointing my nose at it.

Maybe DNSSEC is not an obstacle I could not climb over.

There is still one point unclear, reading Geoff Hustons
DNSSEC articles. Where do I find the keys that
e.g. ".se" have hurled over the fence?

Normally in the root zone...

But from what I have read today I could imagine to
try DNSSEC in the Cesidian Root.

Peter and Karin
I would like to review the whole TCP/IP issue including DNSSEC, IPSEC, IPv4/6/8, etc. This means a complete, compact, description of the Internet protocol as it can really be today. Considering the accepted novelties as basic and what is currently done as downgrading options. This means considering the Internet of the possible emergence as the Internet of the present, and the Legacy a set of limiting options. From this on, I would like to understand how it could be enhanced to a TCP/IPP (Plus) for new protocol rooted features. (Not a TCP/IP.2.0 yet).
I would really be interested to know if you can implement it on 
Cesidian Root as most probably the Internet usage will become 
multirooted in the coming months (several classes being 
simultaneously used) and probably distributed (each user having his 
own root). This results from Paul Twomey/Chris Disspain proposition 
which both broke the ICANN ByLaws and RFC 920 status quo, calling for 
a new equilibrium than the one we agreed in 1984.
Paul Twomey wanted to create a DNSSEC dedicated entity (ICANN 
strategic plan). I would like to investigate if it could not be 
developed as an IGF enhanced cooperation, starting may be as a 
EuroIGF proposition. This would mean that European Roots could ally 
with @larges and propose some interesting in that area. This is 
something which is on the france@large thinking agenda but we do not 
have a real operation root for testing. The target would be to 
document something by mid-September for the European Internet 
Ministries meeting where we could present an @large/Civil Society 
project/engaged experiment. This could lead to some bargain with the 
Regalian and the Normative people before the Nice submit where the 
European policy should be discused.
Interested in European people comments.

JFC Morfin wrote:
> At 11:48 12/07/2008, Peter Dambier wrote:
>> DNSSEC is the means to stop alternative roots. That is
>> probably the reason why everybody is made to want it.
> could you please explain why?
> jfc

Peter and Karin Dambier
Planet Communication and Computing Facility
Rimbacher Strasse 16
D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher
+49(6209)795-816 (Telekom)
+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP: sipgate.de)
mail: peter@xxxxxxxx

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