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Re: [ga] IPETEE - forget DNSSEC

  • To: peter@xxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] IPETEE - forget DNSSEC
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 17:51:32 -0700

Peter and all,

  End-to-end encrypt is becoming a viable and desirable thing
sense the new vote approving FISA and Sweden's similar legislation.
I have little doubt that  IPETEE will become more broadly used
as in part, a result.

  DNSSEC is not intended to stop other root systems or
TLD's DN's from being routed, but certainly in can be implemented
in such a manner to effect such.  For ICANN to do such would
be strong evidence of an intent to effect restraint of trade and predatory
business practices.  Such a implementation would be a unwise policy,
less than inclusive, and send a strong message that free, open and
fair trade in ecommerce is being beseeched for largely unwarranted

  IPETEE is a viable alternative and DNSSEC can be implemented
in a manner that is inter operable with DNSSEC, yet preserve the
privacy advantages IPETEE can provide, giving individual users
the ability to determine whom has what access to electronic transmissions
of what data at any given time or point in time.

  Given the very recent vote to approve FISA in the US, and
Sweden's recent law of similar sort, IPETEE becomes a means
by which Individual rights of Privacy can be effected successfully
and thwart eavesdropping by government entities to a very great
degree.  I am sure that NSA, USDOJ, and other LEA's will find
such a concern to their efforts, but may not have justification to
thwart IPETEE use.

  This said, seeking privacy from RIAA/MPAA snooping, ect. by means
effected via IPETEE could be a good idea but also would engender
distrust from RIAA/MPAA and their EU equivalents accordingly.
Given these entities and some of their members legal history and
errant behavior, they would in my opinion, amongst a growing number
of other users opinion, unfortunate but possibly, if not certainly,

  So IMHO, it would be wise for the ICANN bod, staff and
especially legal staff, to first get with the IPC, and impress upon them
to council strongly and in no uncertain terms, the RIAA/MPAA and
their EU equivalents to cease and desist their predatory and errant
via the courts in the manner in which they have far too often
engaged with users, small business, and other IP interests of a competing
nature.  Such forms or means of using legal intimidation as the RIAA, MPAA,

and their EU equivalents have done is without any reasonable doubt in
my mind, unethical and in some US jusridictions has been ruled by
federal judges, illegal.  ICANN has unfortunately played a defining
role in engendering this errant behavior and should be held to account
for doing so.

Peter Dambier wrote:

> Hello,
> I just happend to stumble over an older proposal:
> end-to-end encrypt
> DNSSEC is the means to stop alternative roots. That is
> probably the reason why everybody is made to want it.
> With IPETEE the spammer can no longer fake the senders
> because he does not know the key.
> RIAA can no longer listen to your conversation.
> That is why they dont want it :)
> http://www.tfr.org/wiki/index.php?title=Technical_Proposal_%28IPETEE%29
> Kind regards
> Peter
> --
> Peter and Karin Dambier
> Planet Communication and Computing Facility
> Rimbacher Strasse 16
> D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher
> +49(6209)795-816 (Telekom)
> +49(6252)750-308 (VoIP: sipgate.de)
> mail: peter@xxxxxxxx
> http://www.pccf.net/
> http://www.peter-dambier.de/
> http://iason.site.voila.fr/
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/iason/


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