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[ga] More on: ICANN and IANA Domains Hijacked

  • To: Ga <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] More on: ICANN and IANA Domains Hijacked
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 23:39:21 -0700


  Well, well, well.  Is anyone surprised?  Not I!  Seems that
the ICANN's has failed in securing it's own DN's eh?  So much
for the daunted SSAC.

(June 30, 2008)
A Turkish hacker group managed to hijack domains used by the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for a short period of time late last
week.  The DNS records for the websites were changed to point to the
group's own site.  The ICANN problem was addressed in less than half an
hour, but it took a day or two for the fix to make it through DNS
servers around the world.


  So Ester/Vint, what was all that about "Trust US" back in 1999
again?  Yeah right!  >:(


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