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[ga] Google Begat the End of the Scientific Method?

  • To: Ga <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] Google Begat the End of the Scientific Method?
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 02:02:15 -0700


  Well again we see the lunacy of Googles technical strategy.
Kinda goes along with their business strategy I suppose, eh?
Somebody must have found and/or revealed Jon Postel's stash
of peyote button.  Vint, what that you, or is this a result of your
"Evangelistic" activities?

All I can say is yeah right!  Sheesh!

"In a fairly concise one-pager from Chris Anderson, at
Wired, the editor posits that all of
our current (or now previous) models for collecting data are dead. The
content is compelling. It notes that we've entered the Age of the
where one can collect immense amounts of data that are paradigm
It goes on to add a comment from the head of Google's R&D, that we need
an update to George Box's maxim: 'All models are wrong, and increasingly

you can succeed without them.' Have we reached a time where all of our
tool-sets are now made moot by vast clouds of information and strictly
applied maths?"


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