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[ga] More Law Profs File Friend-of-Court Brief Against RIAA

  • To: Ga <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] More Law Profs File Friend-of-Court Brief Against RIAA
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 23:56:03 -0700


  Well, well, well, seems that the RIAA has gained some more
law professors scorn.  Tisk, tisk!

  So when is the IPC and ICANN going to revoke the membership
of the RIAA and MPAA for their abusive tactics?

 http://beckermanlegal.com/ NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "A group
of 10 copyright law professors has
filed an amicus curiae ('friend of the court') brief on the side of the
defendant in

Capitol v. Thomas, agreeing with
the judge's recent decision that the $222,000 verdict won by the RIAA
appears to be
tainted by a 'manifest error of law.' The clear and well-written
 http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/files/professorsthomas.pdf 14-page
brief (PDF) argues that the 'making available' jury instruction, which
RIAA had requested and the judge ultimately accepted, was in fact a
'manifest error of law,' making the point, among others, that an
interpretation of a statute should begin with the words of the statute.
My only criticism of the brief is that it overstates the authorities
on by the RIAA, citing cases which never decided the 'making available'
issue as cases which had decided it in the RIAA's favor." As it turns
out, the MPAA, close ally to the RIAA, has come forth with a more
controversial view. They suggest that
proof of actual distribution shouldn't be required. From
their brief (PDF): "Mandating that proof could thus have the pernicious
effect of depriving copyright owners of a practical remedy against
massive copyright infringement in many instances."


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