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Re: [ga] John Baxter says the INS is here. Indeed it is.
- To: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [ga] John Baxter says the INS is here. Indeed it is.
- From: Joe Baptista <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:17:14 -0400
Before I start I want to thank those people who had kind words to say
about me concerning my honesty. Indeed they are correct. Now I shall
reply to Mr. Palmers attempts to mislead us.
John Palmer wrote:
Let me address this Thomas Baxter issue:
Tom came to me several months ago and asked if I knew anything about
the TLDA and if I could help him get his TLD into the root networks. I
him all that I knew about the TLDA and its good and bad (mostly due to
Joe Baptista) points.
Look if Baxter is real just have him call Karl Peters at the TLDA. Karl
has wanted to speak with Baxter now for some time and to that end he has
offered to call him by telephone etc. etc. To date Mr. Baxter has been
a bit shy about calling or being called by Peters.
But I don't think this is going to happen. It is clear from a reading
of Mr. Baxters posts that he is you. At worst we are dealing with a
personality disorder and at best you are simply using the Baxter
personality to commit a fraud of no importance.
The inclusive name space community is fed up with phony fronts. If Mr.
Baxter wants his TLD to have some degree of credibility, and as his root
operator he now must provide proof so you not lose face again before the
ins community,
I'm willing to apologize to you and Mr. Baxter if I am indeed wrong.
But Mr. Baxters going to have to do some leg work to make that so. Of
course I'm very sure that you are Baxter and Baxter is you. He knows
much to much insider details - especially as they concern the HEX
project in the Netherlands. And whens hes cornered he swears just like
you. So until I see otherwise I'm willing to assume the "John Palmer" =
"Thom Baxter" is a safe bet.
About the same time that he contacted me, I was thinking about setting up
a "backstop" root network because I realized that the INS only had one
root running, that is public-root.com (see Joe, I remembered the dash this
The monstrosity known to the ins community as the Public Dash Root has
absolutely nothing to do with reality. It is not a recognized ins
root. It also fails some simple tests - like RFC 2826. So here you are
misleading the public by claiming the public-root.com is an ins root.
The ins root is in fact a limited liability for profit company
incorporated in England. The company, Public-Root Limited, was
dissolved last year by the companies authorities for failing to file its
annual returns. So your also promoting a company that no longer exists
nor is able to legally transact business.
Shortly after the Public-Root Limited was dissolved another Public-Root
Limited company was incorporated in England. This company has the same
registered office address as the dissolved company. British corporate
law allows for the name of a company to be re-registered when the former
is dissolved. I know as an insider of the Public Dash Root that the
former dissolved company is owned by INAIC. I have no idea who owns the
new company.
However if you visit www.public-root.com you will get the impression
that the Public Dash Root that John promotes is some not for profit
benefit federation of root operators. This is also misinformation.
So John please don't speak on behalf of the ins community nor make any
claims of what ins root is inclusive. Only the TLDA can do that.
I've also set up worldroot.net and have populated it with the latest
zone file
from public-root. This root is intended as a backstop in case something
happens to the public-root itself. I don't intent on editing the zone file
unless there are name server errors. If anyone sees errors, please let me
know by using the webform at worldroot.net.
Then you must be very busy editing away. The zone file you are using at
worldroot.net in fact is full of name server errors. Even the IANA
group of TLDs have name server errors. Like I said that zone is not RFC
compliant even with IANA. Fix your zones.
If and when the TLDA gets the Taproot done, I'll be glad to substitute
for the current zone file. I have no interest in spending time ruling
on the
validity of TLDs within the root zone.
You should spend some time getting your buddy Herman Xennt to do the
preliminary work for you. Many of the TLDs you carry in your zone file
from INAIC are bogus records. Since Xennt is responsible for most of
these intentional errors then maybe you can get him to provide you with
a fixed zone file. It is not a good idea to carry zone information in a
root that is wrong.
Regarding Joe's comments about Tom and I:
skipping ... I've already said all I can say on John (Tom) Baxter. If
Mr. Baxter is a real person - have him contact Peters. Very important
now for your credibility.
My Relationship with Herman Xennt:
I agreed to host a root server in the public-root several years ago,
before Joe's
destructive path across Europe.
Yes, where angels go trouble follows. I was not going to be responsible
for launching a criminal organization. I gave them some time to reform
themselves, then I went public. Best thing I did for the inclusive name
space was give those crooks in the Netherlands and Turkey a good well
deserved kick in the ass. As long as I am associated with the inclusive
name space and public root the crooks will never get an upper hand on my
watch. But they will be cleansed.
I have not received any monies from Herman, INIAC or any other groups
with them. I have paid them nothing. I have no formal agreement with
I have never met Herman nor anyone else associated with Public-root,
INAIC or any
affiliated organizations.
I have never spoken to Herman on the phone nor anyone else associated
with Public-root,
INAIC or any other affiliated organization.
I have received 6 email's from Herman Xennt since 2005, mostly
regarding operational
issues regarding the public-root, since I do run the G root on that
Bottom line: I have no relationship, financial or otherwise with
Xennt, INAIC or other
affiliated organizations other that that I run the G root.
John it pleases me to no end that you are doing the right thing.
Putting some distance between yourself and Herman Xennt the
Public-Dash-Root con man. I approve of your public mutterings and
distancing, but I simply don't believe what you have to say concerning
your association with Herman Xennt. However my belief in you - or lack
thereof - is of no relevance here.
What is relevant is the fact that you provide him with root service and
as such support the operations of a con man. And you have been warned
by a lot of people and are either to disconnected from reality to
realize you have fallen in with a sorted crowd or your in on it.
Maybe you don't see the mathematics behind this equation? Let me
explain. It all comes down to simple credibility. When I went public
with the fraud and money laundering the net result was that a lot of
people associated with the project, as you are associated as a root
operator, jumped off the Herman Xennt sinking ship. You however stayed
and in doing so defended his actions and made a very public statement to
the community that you support fraud.
Lets look at the facts. Herman Xennt is a known criminal to the Dutch
police. I verified that with the Goes Police. He has a police record
and was found guilty of criminal charges of tax evasion by the Dutch
Public Prosecutor. This is all public record. What is not public
record is that the Goes Police have a pretty thick file on him. He is a
small time scam artist and since his scams are complex the police
generally don't have the resources to investigate. But the complaints
keep staking up.
Also on the public record is that Herman was charged in 2005 ?? with
operating an ecstasy drug lab. He is currently under investigation by
the Public Prosecutor for tax evasion along with his former associates
at UnifiedRoot. As an insider to the INAIC Foundation and the
Public-Dash-Root I can confirm there is about $20,000 to $30,000 euro in
tax evasion. But he's too small a fish for them to go after in haste.
They have however gone after his associates Rene Rijntjes and Rob van de
Voort of the TMF Group <http://www.tmf-group.com/> in Amsterdam,
investors in the UnifiedRoot.
Remember John. As an insider to HEX (i.e. INAIC, the Public-Dash-Root &
UnifiedRoot) I uncovered serious financial irregularities when I began
my audit function in Europe. When the parties to HEX failed to resolve
the fraud and money laundering issues I did my duty and reported the
same to the INAIC Council. You may remember they all resigned shortly
thereafter :)
However - you John remained by Herman Xennt side. True and loyal.
Normal people who are concerned for their reputations will abandon ship
when they realize the ship is sinking. You however choose to stay by
Herman Xennts side. This was a mistake and I think it seriously hampers
your credibility..
You need to be careful about what information Joe gives you. You have
to understand
that Joe destroyed the best (and probably last) good chance that the
Inclusive TLD
industry had when we he went off the deep end in 2005 regarding some
wrong-doings that had taken place with public-root.com (Sorry Joe, we
all make type-o's,
thats not a capital offense).
Of course I destroyed it. But I completely disagree that it was the
last chance for the inclusive TLD industry. Hell no. You John Baxter
have been in exile for far too long. You have no idea what is happening
in the industry. There are possibly two commercial roots that will be
inclusive name space compliant coming online. We will see.
But seriously John. You would have me hand over control of critical ins
resources to a pack of clowns. Remember John I was an insider and based
on my audits I have no problems with stating publicly that the
organizations you provide root service too are involved in tax evasion,
both in Britain and the Netherlands, money laundering, and embezzlement
(80,000 USD). That is what I can ascertain based on an insiders
examination of INAICs finances. Thats on the books. Off book were
looking at possible associations with drugs and prostitution. These are
the people you are associating with when you provide root service to
Herman Xennt. But thats only my opinion because in the end thats your
business, and your problem.
But John, seriously, are these the type of people that you would expect
me to associate with? Are these the quality of people you would have
operate a trusted inclusive name space? John, my ethics and morals rule
set says no.
Joe managed to single-handedly snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
and in the end
cost many TLD operators, some of whom (like myself) have been
investing in our
registry businesses for 10 years, hundreds of thousands of dollars and
dashing the hopes
of others who are trying to make ends meet.
Lets take out the small violin and play john a sad viola score for his
repertoire of complaints.
John - like you I have suffered financially because of INAIC. But as an
INAIC insider and the Public Root Representative I had a choice to
make. I could of stayed silent on the fraud, and made some money off
the fraud, and participated in the cover up - like you. But I'm not
like you. I did the right thing - I gave them a limited amount of time
to repay into the company the monies which were stolen (embezzled), plus
other directives. I advised the council members of my findings and got
their support. When I realized INAIC was going to continue in paralysis
and not follow my directives I blew the whistle, the council resigned
and the community abandoned the project.
You might say John that where angels go trouble follows because angels
have very high standards. When I agreed to take on my duties at INAIC,
the one thing I did not agree to was the creation of an ICANN clone for
criminals. One needs to draw a line when it comes to ethics. I'm on
one side of the line - your on the other, it seems. It's all perception.
In early 2007, Joe decided to attempt to mis-use the TLDA name for his
own twisted purposes.
The TLDA had been dormant for several years and I was stuck with
maintianing the infrastructure
(paying for the domains, hosting the nearly-empty e-mail lists), etc.
I was the last elected
Board Chairperson, and so I moved to protect the TLDA reputation from
Joe's taint.
Anyways, a big fight ensued and I finally gave up anything to to with
the organization last
October. I still maintain the domains (TLDA.NET, TLDA.ORG) and will
hand them over
to a worthty successor (rule 1: They must denounce Joe Baptista and
ban him forever
from the organization or else they don't get the domains).
Thats never going to happen. The TLDA is not a dictatorial organization
nor are you its dictator. Thats why you left the TLDA because no one
was paying attention any more to your dictatorial directives.
Also you are misleading us when you claim that you are maintaining the
TLDAs domains. This is completely untrue. It is correct to say that
you have hijacked the TLDAs domains. The board has demanded that you
hand them over and you have refused to comply. This again is a matter
of public record at the TLDA.
Do you see why people at the TLDA no longer consider you credible.
Now what you can expect from the TLDA for hijacking their domains is a
demand letter from their lawyer someday ordering you to hand over their
property. Thank you for showing us your true colors John.
The TLDA re-organized in January 2007 under Georgia law and just
recently had their
first election of officers under the new charter. I am NOT a member
now, and have nothing
to do with the TLDA. Its best if I stay away and let others carry the
burden for awhile -
I served 6 years, its time for others to step up now.
This is a lot of misinformation and little white lies. The TLDA
reorganized because I got it back together again to resolve the screw
ups committed by your friends at INAIC. I asked you on a number of
occasions in 2006 the you in your capacity as the secretary and chair of
the TLDA call a meeting of the membership so we could resolve the mess
your pal Herman (the Vermin) Xennt created over in Europe. I remind you
that on every occasion I asked you refused to do your duty and call a
TLDA assembly. It was finally I who contacted all the directors in 2007
allowing for the corporations continuance under Georgia law.
I further remind you that under your administration as chairman of the
TLDA that you lost its charter because you failed to file the paperwork
necessary to maintain it. Your six years with the TLDA amount to no
work done and alot of incompetence.
And when the board of directors asked you to hand over the books and
domains of the corporation you held as a former executive you refused.
Because of your behavior we at the TLDA will never trust you again. So
when you say you have decided to have nothing to do with the TLDA - I'm
not surprised. I'm sure some in the TLDA are relieved to have nothing
to do with you too. Personally I'm neutral on the subject. I have no
problem with you being a member of the TLDA. We don't currently have
any ethics rules so I'm sure you'll qualify. But I also have no problem
with your self imposed exile from the TLDA.
But sir please don't aggrandize yourself here, your so called six years
of service for the TLDA ended up being nothing more then betrayal and an
attempt to hijack an organization to cover up on behalf of your pal
Herman Xennt. I don't see your six years under the circumstances as
anything of substance.
And in closing you mention that now it's time for others to step up and
take over. Thats already happened John.
Tom, Karl Peters has been a great advocate for the INS and if anyone
can kick-start the TLDA
he can. He is not a bad guy like Joe is. I only wish that he would see
Joe for the destructive
person he is and denounce him and dissassoiate himself from Joe.
Thats not going to happen. Karl Peters has been slowly investigating
your pal Herman the Vermin Xennt has been up to in Europe. Karl has
taken seriously my concerns and I am very happy with his progress and
the solutions he has facilitated. In other words Herman the Vermin's
victims are working together and coming out winners because of Karl.
And the criminals you support are coming out the losers. In the end the
winners will be those who did the right thing and said no to the criminals.
Sorry to be so long winded, but the record needs setting straight as
it always does after an
unpleaant bout of Baptistherria.
Lets see who vomits first. Will it be John Baxter or Thom Palmer.
cheers :)
Joe Baptista
Joe Baptista www.publicroot.org
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