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RE: [ga] domain tastinmg comments

  • To: Roberto Gaetano <roberto@xxxxxxxxx>, chris@xxxxxx, domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [ga] domain tastinmg comments
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 16:02:48 -0700 (GMT-07:00)

Roberto and all,

  Well Roberto, although I respect your possition for
what it appears to be, I disagree that any fee has
worked for any TLD, .ORG not withstanding.  

  When killing mosquitos, if one whats to kill them all
one needs something much more powerful or deadly than a 
bazooka, to follow your analogy, and a good analogy it
is a la Tasting and Tasters.  Tasters like mosquitos
are very verilent and persistant creatures and really
need a very deadly poison as well as diligent and
viligent application of same if erradication is to
be the perfered results.  

  That said, if however, only controling the mosquitos
and/or Tasters is the perfered results than only a
fly swatter is needed.  However if niether controling
or eradication of mosquitos/Tasters, than feeding them
with a .20 fee may indeed be helpful.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Roberto Gaetano <roberto@xxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Mar 30, 2008 3:32 PM
>To: chris@xxxxxx, domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx
>Cc: 'GA' <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: RE: [ga] domain tastinmg comments
>> I just don't think that a 20 cent fee is enough to stop it
>> altogether which needs to be done. Make it half price and
>> maybe we get somewhere.
>Mmmmh... It was sufficient for .org, and I don't have evidence it would not
>for other TLDs.
>But maybe we can already start with 20 cents, and see what happens? Why use
>bazookas to kill mosquitos?
Jeffrey A. Williams
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