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Re: [ga] Current Drafted Motion - Another Sort of Speculation?

  • To: <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Current Drafted Motion - Another Sort of Speculation?
  • From: <chris@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:38:30 -0400

I disagree, but it may just be semantics. Domain speculation is where someone PAYS for the domain name specuulating that it may be worth more at some point. No different than buying up a corner lot that you think will be valuable real estate someday. They PAY for their registrations. Domain tasters and domain kiters do not pay and hold up thousands or even millions of domain names that could be registered and paid for by legitimate users.

The problem that some here do not seem to get is that the domain tasters and kiters have networks. Taster 1 registers a name for 5 days. Taster 2 knows the exact time it will drop and reregisters it for 5 days. taster 3 another 5 days, taster 4 another 5 days. These domain names are not out of the pool for 5 days. They are out indefinitely due to the AGP and the easy abuse of it.

Some of the commenters here seem to believe there are a few speculators who use the 5 day grace period to try a domain name and then drop it so it's no big deal. That is far from what is going on. There are large companies involved in keeping thousands of domain names unavailable to users by continually dropping and re-registering domain names for another 5 days over and over again. This has become big business. It is not the work of a few speculators.

Chris McElroy

----- Original Message ----- From: <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: [ga] Current Drafted Motion - Another Sort of Speculation?

Dominik and all,

 I agree with Dominik here.  The cap is too high
by a factor of 10 at least!  Domain name speculation
should be eliminated all together given that such are
a form of public interest property although that has
yet to be defined difinitively under law.  But at a
minimum, speculation on Domain Names themselves is
a bad practice that should in no way be encouraged.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dominik Filipp <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Mar 25, 2008 6:51 AM
To: domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ga] Current Drafted Motion - Another Sort of Speculation?

The current motion drafted by the GNSO Council seems to be another
attempt to keep the speculation aspect of AGP. The whole document is
vague and raises more questions than answers.

a. The 10% AGP cap proposed in the document is still too high. After
calculating the net gains at some, not all, Registrars during the last
month as available at
the total number of new net-gained domains during last month is greater
than 1,220,000. Provided the very most of the new registrations are .COM
domains and other gTLD domains 1,000,000 domains can be considered a
reasonable estimation of domains that qualify for the 10% cap of free

That is, 100,000 domains per month constantly available for speculation.

b. The exemption from the application of such restriction under
extraordinary circumstances is unclear and not specified.

What are such extraordinary circumstances like?

Who will be considering and will finally accept the documented showing
of such circumstances?
Are they Registries interested in running the domain business?

What is the maximum cap after applying the exemption? 100%? Or even

What will the oversight activities at ICANN look like?

Where is the guarantee that the oversight activities will actually take
place and will not be neglected or misused?

Will the GNSO be responsible for the oversight activities?
The GNSO trapped by financial interests of Registries and Registrars as
clearly demonstrated in the two recommendations presented to the board?
The GNSO that does not even bother to seriously consider the mostly
supported suggestion from the public input, which is elimination of AGP?

And finally, who will be paying another bureaucratic staff and its
questionable mission?

Dominik Filipp, a GA list member


Jeffrey A. Williams
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