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Re: [ga] Current Drafted Motion - Another Sort of Speculation?

  • To: domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Current Drafted Motion - Another Sort of Speculation?
  • From: jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 21:16:51 -0700 (GMT-07:00)

Dominik and all,

  I agree with Dominik here.  The cap is too high
by a factor of 10 at least!  Domain name speculation
should be eliminated all together given that such are
a form of public interest property although that has
yet to be defined difinitively under law.  But at a 
minimum, speculation on Domain Names themselves is
a bad practice that should in no way be encouraged.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Dominik Filipp <dominik.filipp@xxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Mar 25, 2008 6:51 AM
>To: domain-tasting-motion@xxxxxxxxx
>Cc: ga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [ga] Current Drafted Motion - Another Sort of Speculation?
>The current motion drafted by the GNSO Council seems to be another
>attempt to keep the speculation aspect of AGP. The whole document is
>vague and raises more questions than answers.
>a. The 10% AGP cap proposed in the document is still too high. After
>calculating the net gains at some, not all, Registrars during the last
>month as available at
>the total number of new net-gained domains during last month is greater
>than 1,220,000. Provided the very most of the new registrations are .COM
>domains and other gTLD domains 1,000,000 domains can be considered a
>reasonable estimation of domains that qualify for the 10% cap of free
>That is, 100,000 domains per month constantly available for speculation.
>b. The exemption from the application of such restriction under
>extraordinary circumstances is unclear and not specified.
>What are such extraordinary circumstances like?
>Who will be considering and will finally accept the documented showing
>of such circumstances?
>Are they Registries interested in running the domain business?
>What is the maximum cap after applying the exemption? 100%? Or even
>What will the oversight activities at ICANN look like?
>Where is the guarantee that the oversight activities will actually take
>place and will not be neglected or misused?
>Will the GNSO be responsible for the oversight activities?
>The GNSO trapped by financial interests of Registries and Registrars as
>clearly demonstrated in the two recommendations presented to the board?
>The GNSO that does not even bother to seriously consider the mostly
>supported suggestion from the public input, which is elimination of AGP?
>And finally, who will be paying another bureaucratic staff and its
>questionable mission?
>Dominik Filipp, a GA list member


Jeffrey A. Williams
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