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[ga] Re: [Gnso-liaison] [At-Large] Is Staff in bed with NetSol?

  • To: At-Large Worldwide <alac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] Re: [Gnso-liaison] [At-Large] Is Staff in bed with NetSol?
  • From: "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 18:32:57 -0800

Danny and all my friends,

  My response interspersed below...

Danny Younger wrote:

> Jeff,
> The article provided for your reference pointed to
> continued issues with regard to transfers.
> Front-running is a separate matter, which contrary to
> your claims has not been discontinued.  For reference
> please see this article posted just two days ago --
> http://blogs.computerworld.com/forward/7217/email_ref

Indeed.  But you know as well as I do that Front Running
is but another FORM of Domain Name Tasting in another
name or label...

> You may also choose to refer to the extensive
> commentary on the topic at Slashdot posted yesterday
> -- see
> http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/02/15/2121200

Did so.  Thanks.

> and for another twist on NetSol matters, look at
> http://www.entlawdigest.com/(S(renb53v3amsve145v0aa4r55))/LawReport/ViewReport.aspx?Report=27&Category=3&Area=35
> which states:  "A federal class action claims Network
> Solutions makes its customers? private email messages
> publicly available on the Internet through common
> search engines such as Google, in violation of state
> and federal laws."

  Yes.  And the conclusion of this case will be interesting.
Recently Google sent me an email asking me if I wanted
any of my postings removed from Google.  I replied in
the affirmative.  Ergo, it seems that Google is finally
following through from a few months ago in respecting
individual privacy all be in doing so, they are extremely slow...

Personally I believe Google's web site should be taken
down until or unless they fully respect individuals privacy.
But of course that will never happen....

> While the entire world it seems is talking about
> NetSol's abusive practices (including the ICANN Board
> -- see
> http://www.icann.org/minutes/prelim-report-23jan08.htm),
> the ALAC, in its role as the "voice of the individual
> Internet users" has absolutely nothing to say on the
> topic...

  Yes.  This is both odd, and perhaps contrived.  It appears
that those in control of the ALAC mailing list forums are seeking
to Censor any remarks or comments which contain any mention
of same.
giving the excuse that when doing so they are mis characterized as
"Personal Attacks".  Here no evil, see no evil, perhaps?

> no policy recommendations, no request for an issues
> report, no request for a PDP, no request to ICANN
> Staff for feedback as to whether NetSol practices
> constitute a violation of the RAA -- instead, the ALAC
> appears to be either totally clueless or horribly
> irresponsible -- but what can you really expect from a
> bunch of people that are just pretending to be the
> at-large so that they can continue to milk the ICANN
> cash cow?  If they really were the at-large, we would
> have heard their outrage about these situations...
> instead all we hear are their ongoing requests for
> even more money while registrants receive no
> assistance whatsoever from their "Voice" within ICANN.

  Sadly, you have a good point.  >:(  But of course such a
point will be again mis characterized as a "Personal
Attack", yet again...  And so, the ICANN personal
identities saga sadly continues unabated...


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> --- "Jeffrey A. Williams" <jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> > Danny and all my friends,
> >
> >   It is clear that NSOL is, or was involved in Front
> > Running
> > seemingly to thwart Domain Name Tasting.  However as
> > we know, this was admitted on the GA list by a NSOL
> > employee.  However after some public exposier by
> > several GA members expressing a strong desire for
> > NSOL to discontnue this practice for obvious good
> > reasons, NSOL subsequently for the time being,
> > discontinued
> > this errant and disgusting practice.
> >

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