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Re: [OT] Re: [ga] Re: Dr. Kirikos on copyright law

  • To: sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [OT] Re: [ga] Re: Dr. Kirikos on copyright law
  • From: Joe Baptista <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 10:53:45 -0400

Dr. Sotiropoulos:

The purpose of the GA list is to discuss GA issues. Not copyright law as it applies to other posts. Or if the poster absolutely needs to discuss off topic issues it is best to simply label the discussion [OT].

My main concern with Dr. Kirikos and yourself is that too often I have seen the both of you post messages that look alot like trolling. These messages don't seem to do anything but cause friction. I expect thats your intention to cause friction.

A good example is this message you have posted now. You are intentionally misleading the General Assembly into thinking you have some function within the GA. You have done this many times before in the past. Your use of the term Chair to describe yourself is an excellent example of an attempt not only to mislead but to troll. The only chair here is Hugh Dierker.

Likewise, Dr. Kirikos may be considered to be practicing deception while he practices law here in public. I ask Dr. Kirikos that if he feels someone is breaking any laws that he deal directly with those persons involved off list. The General Assembly should not be a place for the practice of libel and slander against a third party. I myself was concerned with the use of law and name calling to promote an attack against Danny Younger, man who does more constructive work here then anyone else I have seen to date. Mr. Younger is an example to you both of a good and responsible net citizen. Younger leads us by example as do people like Hugh Dierker. These people are your role models not your detractors.

Drs. Kirikos and Sotiropoulos you have both expressed concerns that individuals on the GA are using misleading information to bias discussion. But you seem to practice deception yourself. We have no rules here to deal with hypocracy. But look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you are not likewise guilty of this sort of behaviour in practicing this deception.

So in conclusion, please try to live up to the basic standards you yourself expect of others and don't make up lies. Because honesty is a fundamental aspect to establishing ones integrety.

I hope that helps you out
joe baptista

sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Dr. Baptista,

Kindly refrain from this sort of posting onlist as it serves absolutely no
purpose whatsoever, and I will be forced to request your expulsion from
this list if you continue in this vein.  Don't bother to respond to this
message onlist.  This is your first and last warning.

Sotiris Sotiropoulos


I see you agree with me here Ross.  It indeed is very off topic to be
discussing copyright law in this conference, or for that matter having
Dr. Kirikos give legal lectures on copyright law.  In future Ross I
expect you to not encourage such doctoral lectures from Dr. Kirikos as
you have done in the past.

I think i've made my point.  That you Ross for your support in it.

joe baptista

Ross Rader wrote:

On 25-Oct-07, at 2:02 AM, Joe Baptista wrote:

1. I'm not one of the "Doctors" that has been discussed on this list
before, e.g. see:

Oh I disagree Doctor.  Your a doctor of a different colour.
Can you guys take this off-list?



Joe Baptista                                www.publicroot.org
PublicRoot Consortium
The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive,
Representative & Accountable to the Internet community @large.
 Office: +1 (202) 517-1593
    Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

Joe Baptista                                www.publicroot.org
PublicRoot Consortium
The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive,
Representative & Accountable to the Internet community @large.
 Office: +1 (202) 517-1593
    Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

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