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[ga] Re: Dr. Kirikos on copyright law

  • To: George Kirikos <gkirikos@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] Re: Dr. Kirikos on copyright law
  • From: Joe Baptista <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 02:02:29 -0400

George Kirikos wrote:

1. I'm not one of the "Doctors" that has been discussed on this list
before, e.g. see:
Oh I disagree Doctor.  Your a doctor of a different colour.

But seriously Dr. Kirikos, It is important to contribute in a positive fashion on this list. If however your getting tired of playing doctor and want to play lawyer today why not provide your legal advise privately to the offended party instead of forcing it on everyone here. You must learn how to use your doctoring talents where they are most effective. And pretending to be a lawyer is not quite as doctoral as your other pursuites.

kindest regards
joe baptista

Joe Baptista                                www.publicroot.org
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