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Re: [ga] A Windfall for VeriSign?

  • To: Andy Gardner <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] A Windfall for VeriSign?
  • From: Ross Rader <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 18:39:27 -0400

Better yet - do nothing.

This has nothing to do with windfall profits, etc. This can't be a discussion about what other people put in their pockets. It should be a conversation about what is the best way to manage this public resource in the interests of the internet community. Giving away a couple of domain names at any price tag will do nothing for the community at large and shouldn't even be a topic for consideration until we deal with the 98 million other things on our collective wish list.


Andy Gardner wrote:

I thinking the best ideas I've heard so far to avoid unworthy registries/registrars getting windfall auction profits, is to raffle off "a.com" with every owner of a .com domain starting with "a" getting one ticket.

b.com gets raffled off between all current b*.com owners. etc.

So all these held-back domains go to random new owners who can do what they want with them.

If the capitalist pigs really want an auction, to support "let the market decide the rightful owner" valuation prinicipals, then that's fine, but if (say) Verisign bags $50 million from those auctions, then the .com user base should share that windfall via a rebate on their reg fees for the year the auction takes place. Verisign should be content with their unnecessary annual reg fee hike.

So Verisign gets their normal reg fee for those names, ICANN get's it's normal tax, and the windfall is distributed out evenly to the user base.

On Oct 16, 2007, at 3:43 PM, Danny Younger wrote:

Karl and I have already sent through preliminary
comments to the new forum on potential allocation
methods for single-letter and single-digit domain
names at the second level in gTLDs.  GA participants
should likewise send through comments.

If this very bad recommendation winds up being adopted
by ICANN, then we'll need to first determine who is
entitled to the capital raised by the proposed
auctions.   Karl is of the view that Verisign, will
garner the lion's share of the proceeds.  This is
likely if the New Registry Services Process is
invoked.  In conjunction with this approach, the BC
has already suggested the release and allocation of
single letters in the non sponsored gTLDs via auction
to parties with "demonstrated rights".

An alternative that hasn't been much discussed (as
greed has become everyone's "First Principle") is
"First Come First Served", with such domains put out
on a normal registration fee basis -- with this
approach, VeriSign won't profit from the release of
these names (profits instead will be made by the
registrants that fairly acquired these names who
choose to put them up for sale or auction in the
secondary market).

The big question therefore is this:  If ICANN adopts
the GNSO recommendation, will it automatically result
in a windfall for VeriSign?  or will such a windfall
be rejected allowing registrants to profit?  or will
ICANN find a way to turn this into a windfall for

As for me, as I stated in my posted comments, I side
with John Klensin on the inadvisability of accepting
this recommendation.


Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.


Ross Rader
Director, Retail Services
Tucows Inc.

t. 416.538.5492

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