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Re: [ga] Domain Transfer Complaint

  • To: jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [ga] Domain Transfer Complaint
  • From: Joe Baptista <baptista@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 00:13:42 -0400

jwkckid1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Danny and all,

 Indeed.  I wonder why he even bothered given the GNSO's
lack of addressing these sorts of problems in any meaningful
way, and ICANN's staff and Bod wringing their hands of these repeated problems with registrars.
Jeff - seven messages already in a day. Second warning. I like to play by the three strikes rule. Three Strikes and You're Out. Thats basically how it works. I got your message that you won't be posting anymore messages today. But still this is my second warning.

I know you think these rules are false. I'm not going to dispute that one way or another. I'm only going to say that my role here is as moderator. If I find you guilty of breaking the rules I issue an order and your off the list. So some one must be pushing the bottons to make that work. I have the power to ban - so its my job to make the rules work.

If you disagree with the rules just take it up with the GNSO. We voted here for the rules. They accepted. As far as i'm concerned its a done deal.

But please don't do this anymore. You are a very intellegent man - you know your breaking the rules - regardless of their irrelevancy to you. And you know you will end up being banned if you continue. So please for me - don't do it. I like you. You know that. We have spoken on many occassions these last ten years. You've given me great stock tips. Rememeber. And I owe you a debt of gratitude for your kindness in negotiating a critical rapprochement. You know what I'm talking about.

So it really pisses me off that your putting me in a horrible position where I am forced to put you off the list. I would really hate that. Because frankly Jeff I enjoy the fact your here together with all of us. I missed you the last time you were gone too. And I don't want that to happen again. So please Jeff I beg you - five messages a day max is not too much to ask to keep a friends peace of mind intact.

joe baptista

Joe Baptista                                www.publicroot.org
PublicRoot Consortium
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