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[ga] Re: GA "Election" was fake, ignore the "results" ( was Re: [ga] Elections Results - vote count)

  • To: "Danny Younger" <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [ga] Re: GA "Election" was fake, ignore the "results" ( was Re: [ga] Elections Results - vote count)
  • From: sotiris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 14:24:24 -0700 (PDT)

> George,
> I can appreciate the anguish that you must feel
> knowing that your preferred candidate "Harry Potter"
> did not prevail in the current election.

Danny, I didn't see your vote, was there a reason for that?

> P.S.  Is it OK to get back to policy issues now?

"Get back to policy issues"?! Danny, for the sake of truth, justice and
the American way, please admit that the only thing Mr. Dierker as "chair"
did not touch on in ANY way was "policy issues"!

The "chair" was a dud from the start; one who did absolutely nothing to
further discourse on any issues that pertain to ICANN *except* his own


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