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Re: [ga] GA Elections; was RE: Chair Elections Vote

  • To: Joop Teernstra <terastra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ga] GA Elections; was RE: Chair Elections Vote
  • From: Hugh Dierker <hdierker2204@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 06:03:10 -0700 (PDT)

Thank you Joop for that reminder. We should always remain cognizant of those 
with less than optimum connections. It is the very people that we should be 
helping that we disenfranchise by moving at too quick a pace.

Joop Teernstra <terastra@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
At 03:30 p.m. 2/10/2007, Eric wrote:

>Joop you have a good point, why didn't you mention it over the last month 
>when I made my intentions clear?

Because I was in the third world on a third world dial up connections.

Here in Auckland I can deal with the mass of spam on the subscribed address 
and filter GA mail. When I travel, this is near impossible and I am forced 
to leave the mail mostly unread.

It is good to realize how it takes a special effort for the 
unprivileged to participate in a busy mailing list.

>I hope that leaving the voting open for comments and write-ins satisfies 
>your desire for negative voting.

I do not have any specific desire for negative voting. I just do not favour 
lack of options and show-of-hand voting. Who votes for what or whom 
should always be secret.
This was behind my original motivation to create the PollingBooth.

If my comment now comes too late, I'm sorry.


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