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[council] For discussion - draft motion on IAG Final Report on Review of the WHOIS conflicts with national law procedure

  • To: "council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] For discussion - draft motion on IAG Final Report on Review of the WHOIS conflicts with national law procedure
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 12:58:38 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • List-id: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AQHR0gX0w5IqhyBgzU2mn77xaZe9Og==
  • Thread-topic: For discussion - draft motion on IAG Final Report on Review of the WHOIS conflicts with national law procedure
  • User-agent: Microsoft-MacOutlook/f.17.0.160611

Dear All,

In preparation for agenda item 11 on tomorrow’s Council agenda, next steps 
relating to the Final Report of the Implementation Advisory Group on Review of 
the WHOIS Conflicts with National Law Procedure, please find attached a draft 
motion for your review. Please note that the motion is purely intended to 
facilitate the discussion with a potential consideration of this motion or 
modified version thereof during the GNSO Council motion in July.

Best regards,


Marika Konings
Senior Policy Director & Team Leader for the GNSO, Internet Corporation for 
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Email: marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>

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Attachment: Draft motion – IAG Final Report - 25 June 2016.docx
Description: =?utf-8?B?RHJhZnQgbW90aW9uIOKAkyBJQUcgRmluYWwgUmVwb3J0IC0gMjUgSnVuZSAy?= =?utf-8?Q?016.docx?=

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