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[council] FW: Transmittal of CCWG-Accountability Report to the ICANN Board

  • To: "council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] FW: Transmittal of CCWG-Accountability Report to the ICANN Board
  • From: Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 15:57:43 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • List-id: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AQHRjoq5oNDStu9djE+eRlnBEEC50A==
  • Thread-topic: Transmittal of CCWG-Accountability Report to the ICANN Board
  • User-agent: Microsoft-MacOutlook/

For your information, please see below a message for the Council’s attention
from Thomas Rickert.

Best regards,


From:  Thomas Rickert <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:  Monday 4 April 2016 at 09:47
To:  Marika Konings <marika.konings@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject:  Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Transmittal of CCWG-Accountability Report to the

 Hello Marika,
 my previous message to the Council list did not go through. May I therefore
ask you to send this to the list? Larry Strickling has confirmed receipt of
this note. 
 Thank you,

 -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
 Betreff:  Fwd: Fwd: Transmittal of CCWG-Accountability Report to the ICANN
 Datum:  Fri, 18 Mar 2016 17:24:50 +0100
 Von:  Thomas Rickert <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:thomas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 An:  Strickling, Larry <LStrickling@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
<mailto:LStrickling@xxxxxxxxxxxx> , Mathieu Weill <mathieu.weill@xxxxxxxx>
<mailto:mathieu.weill@xxxxxxxx> , León Felipe Sánchez Ambía
<leonfelipe@xxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:leonfelipe@xxxxxxxxxx>
  Dear Larry,
 I hope this e-mail finds you well.
 A GNSO Councillor pointed out to me that the statements made by some groups
in the GNSO have not been referenced to in the letter from the Board to
NTIA. I have therefore included our letter to the ICANN Board in this e-mail
below. This letter includes links to the responses we got from the
Chartering Organizations and those include links to the statements. I would
add that there is an expectation from those that made the statements that
these will be passed on to Congress with the proposal.
 May I kindly ask you to confirm receipt of this message?
 Thank you and kind regards,

 -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
 Betreff:   Fwd: Transmittal of CCWG-Accountability Report to the ICANN
 Datum:  Thu, 10 Mar 2016 09:23:41 +0000
 Von:  Thomas Rickert <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:thomas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 An:  Steve Crocker <steve.crocker@xxxxxxxxx>
<mailto:steve.crocker@xxxxxxxxx> , bruce.tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Theresa
Swinehart <theresa.swinehart@xxxxxxxxx> <mailto:theresa.swinehart@xxxxxxxxx>
 Kopie (CC):  Accountability Cross Community
    10 March 2016

Dr. Stephen Crocker, Chair
ICANN Board of Directors

Dear ICANN Board of Directors,

Following the submission on the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing
ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) Work Stream 1 Report to its
Chartering Organizations on 23 February 2016, we are pleased to announce
that transmittal of the report has been approved by all six organizations.
Each of the Chartering Organizations’ approval and statement is recorded
as follows, in order received:
* Security and Stability Advisory Committee
606.html>  (SSAC) 
* Address Supporting Organization
639.html>  (ASO) 
* At-Large Advisory Committee
658.html>  (ALAC) 
* Governmental Advisory Committee
676.html>  (GAC) 
* Generic Names Supporting Organization
694.html>  (GNSO) 
* Country Codes Names Supporting Organisation
697.html>  (ccNSO)[1] <x-msg://160/#_ftn1>

In addition, the CWG-Stewardship certified
011509.html>  that the CCWG-Accountability has met the dependencies on which
their proposal was expressly conditioned, thus allowing the IANA Stewardship
Transition (as a whole) to proceed.

The report is the result of extensive work by the CCWG-Accountability’s 28
members, 175 participants and a team of highly qualified legal advisors
since December 2014, which included over 221 calls or meetings, 3 public
consultations and more than 13,900 email messages. It represents a carefully
crafted balance between key requirements, specific legal advice, and
significant compromises by all who participated and includes diligent
attention to the input received through the Public Comment proceedings.
Prior to submitting to the Chartering Organizations for their approval, the
Work Stream 1 Report received the consensus support within the
CCWG-Accountability itself, with five minority statements recorded in
Appendix A of our Report, and available here
<https://community.icann.org/x/0ReAAw> .

With the sign off by the Chartering Organizations of this report, the
CCWG-Accountability is pleased to transmit this report to the Board as part
of the IANA Stewardship Transition process. We are available to you in order
to answer any questions you may have and to explain any details of the
proposal. For your information, comprehensive further background documents
and reference materials are available here
<https://community.icann.org/x/ogDxAg> .

Thomas, Mathieu, and Leon
CCWG-Accountability  Co-Chairs


[1] <x-msg://160/#_ftnref1>  In  accordance to the rules of the ccNSO (
http://ccnso.icann.org/about/ccnso-rules-dec04-en.pdf), the decisions in
this resolution will become effective seven days after publication of these
decisions by the Council. For the interim, the chair of the ccNSO is
requested to inform the ICANN Board of the decision of the ccNSO Council
under the assumption the decision is effective and subsequently, after seven
(7) days, whether these decision has become effective.

Attachment: Letter for Board Transmittal - 10 March 2016.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html 
charset=us-ascii"></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: 
space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space;" class=""><div><div 
class=""></div></div><br class=""></body></html>

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