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Re: [council] RE: CCWG - Timeline for Approval by GNSO

One of the risks in any approach you choose is that those of us who have been merely skulking on the lists will decide to object to something. There are a couple of things where I don't like the compromise struck, but I am holding my tongue since I have not been working day and night for the past year on this stuff like you folks.

On 16-02-13 10:47 AM, Phil Corwin wrote:
Those are reasonable points, Ed. Indeed, if the Proposal will not be 
final until March 4^th then we should not lock down our decisions 
until we are sure of the final details of each Recommendation.
That said, I did not envision a call on 2/29 (or some other 
pre-departure-for-Marrakech call date) as involving voting. Rather, I 
presumed it would be a dialogue in which we could separate out those 
Recommendations on which there is general consensus within Council 
(provided that no material revisions are made in the penultimate 
document) from those on which there was still divisions or even 
opposition, and thereby set the table for a more focused and efficient 
consideration of the remaining matters once we reach Marrakech.
Best, Philip

*Philip S. Corwin, Founding Principal*

*Virtualaw LLC*

*1155 F Street, NW*

*Suite 1050*

*Washington, DC 20004*





*Twitter: @VlawDC*

*/"Luck is the residue of design" -- Branch Rickey/*

*From:*Edward Morris [mailto:egmorris1@xxxxxxxxx]
*Sent:* Friday, February 12, 2016 3:43 PM
*To:* WUKnoben
*Cc:* Austin, Donna; Phil Corwin; James M. Bladel; GNSO Council List
*Subject:* Re: [council] RE: CCWG - Timeline for Approval by GNSO

Hi Wolf-Ulrich,

Thanks for this.

I certainly have no objection to an informational call or a call to discuss options or to take temperatures. As previously stated I have a conflict on the 29th and won't be able to attend but I have no problems with others doing so if they feel such a call would have value.
My only concern is voting prior to the final CCWG WS1 meeting on March 
4th. That I oppose. I think it's advisable for the GNSO to maintain 
its options until after that meeting so as to ensure maximum GNSO 
leverage during that meeting. I'd also be hesitant to vote either way 
on recommendation 12, for example, until I see what comes out of the 
March 4th meeting.
As such, although I'm fine with an informational call for folks who 
want it I would be opposed to any vote whatsoever prior to the evening 
of March 4th as there is still incoming information from the CCWG that 
will help inform our vote.
Thanks again, Wolf-Ulrich.



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On 12 Feb 2016, at 20:29, WUKnoben <wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:wolf-ulrich.knoben@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    I understand the option to hold a call on 29 Feb as a chance to
    discuss where we are and what are the very final remaining issues
    if there were some. So far I’m in favour of having this call.
    Voting could then also be just an option in case we could see a
    chance to solve those issues at the call. But it is not a must.

    Best regards


    *From:*Edward Morris <mailto:egmorris1@xxxxxxxxx>

    *Sent:*Friday, February 12, 2016 8:21 PM

    *To:*Austin, Donna <mailto:Donna.Austin@xxxxxxxxxxx>

    *Cc:*Phil Corwin <mailto:psc@xxxxxxxxxxx> ; James M. Bladel
    <mailto:jbladel@xxxxxxxxxxx> ; GNSO Council List

    *Subject:*Re: [council] RE: CCWG - Timeline for Approval by GNSO

    Hi Donna,


        I also support a separate call on 29 February, prior to
        Marrakech, provided we meet quorum requirements for a Council
        meeting. I generally agree with Phil: “If we can complete our
        work on the 29^th that would give significant momentum to the
        Final Accountability Proposal

    Giving momentum to a CCWG is not the responsibility of the
    Council. Carefully considering the implications of the results of
    a CCWG, particularly as rushed as this one, is.

        I’m also concerned that if we have the first conversation in
        Marrakech it will be a meeting of the Council plus those who
        attend the session, which could result in challenges for the
        Council in determining what to take on board and what not to.

    I welcome input from my members and from members of the community
    who wish to opine on the matter. It's that messy democracy thing.
    What I do not want is a rushed, forced vote witnessed by few. The
    more input the better and I, for one, welcome it.

    One other consideration is the CCWG meeting scheduled for the
    Friday preceding the meeting. Amongst other things WS2
    arrangements will be discussed. WS2 is extremely important for my
    members and for many in the GNSO. I really want to see what comes
    out of that meeting before I vote on the supplemental. If forced
    to vote before this Friday meeting you can anticipate opposition
    by me to all 12 recommendations. I'm not sure that's the momentum
    folks here are looking for.

    We need to maintain our leverage in the Friday meeting via a vis
    the other ACSOs. I've been doing the CCWG for 14 months now and
    the one thing I've learned is to expect last minute stunts by some
    of our fellow groups. We need to maintain all of our options until
    after that meeting, until the direction of WS2 becomes a lot clearer.

    I should note we've already discussed these matters ad infitum. I
    think the package is in pretty good shape unless this early vote
    is forced.   The compromises made since the 3rd report all are in
    a pro GNSO direction. They have certainly satisfied many of my
    concerns. That said, if a vote is scheduled prior to the March 4th
    CCWG meeting I will not support this Supplemental. Simply put,
    there is no good reason to vote early and if the March 4th meeting
    results in a way forward for the CCWG that my members do not
    support...I'm unwilling to go back to them and say, sorry, I voted
    early to give the transition some "momentum", we're stuck with
    something we no longer support.




    *Donna Austin**:****Neustar, Inc.**
    *Policy and Industry Affairs Manager

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    [mailto:owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Phil Corwin
    *Sent:* Thursday, 11 February 2016 10:48 AM
    *To:* egmorris1@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:egmorris1@xxxxxxxxx>; James M.
    Bladel <jbladel@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jbladel@xxxxxxxxxxx>>; GNSO
    Council List <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
    *Subject:* RE: [council] RE: CCWG - Timeline for Approval by GNSO


    While always respectful of your views, I remain concerned that
    delaying initiation of our consideration of the Final Proposal
    until Marrakech will crowd out most other issues on our agenda and
    still result in rushed and less than fully comprehensive
    consideration. I would certainly support a Doodle poll to identify
    other pre-departure for Marrakech dates that might work for
    Council members.

    So far as my “momentum” remark, what I was trying to articulate
    was a view that the Council, which has understandably lagged
    behind the other Chartering Organizations due to the size and
    diversity of its membership, should try to catch up and even get a
    bit ahead in this final stage of the WS 1 approval process –
    whether that is to approve the recommendations package or identify
    one or more that raise continuing concerns.

    In any event, I remain of the view that we should try to get a
    head start on final decisions to be made in Marrakech by holding
    at least one pre-Marrakech discussion.

    Best, Philip

    *Philip S. Corwin, Founding Principal*

    *Virtualaw LLC*

    *1155 F Street, NW*

    *Suite 1050*

    *Washington, DC 20004*




    *Twitter: @VlawDC*

    */"Luck is the residue of design" -- Branch Rickey/*

    *From:*Edward Morris [mailto:egmorris1@xxxxxxxxx]
    *Sent:* Thursday, February 11, 2016 1:12 PM
    *To:* James M. Bladel; GNSO Council List; Phil Corwin
    *Subject:* re: [council] RE: CCWG - Timeline for Approval by GNSO

    Hi Phil and James,

    Although the NCSG has yet to meet and formulate a position on the
    way forward, my strong personal preference would be not to have a
    special call and, instead, deal with this issue during our normal
    course of business in Morocco.

    Part of the objection is personal: I'm not available on the 29th.
    Like many of my colleagues in the noncommercial community whose
    professional commitments are unrelated to ICANN, my schedule in
    the week preceding our 12 day (including travel) adventure to
    Morocco is set and packed. I'll be in the air most of the 29th,
    travelling from the UK to Minnesota, in a meeting in St. Paul on
    the 30th, and then heading for Morocco the next day. If we are to
    have a special call I would ask that a Doodle poll first be
    conducted to see who could attend and when.

    I certainly respect Phil's concerns about delaying our vote. I do,
    however, believe the CCWG needs to take precedence over other
    issues. I do understand that those of us in the NCSG are a bit
    unique in that we freely and individually determine our own votes.
    For us, having F2F time prior to the full Council meeting to talk
    about our positions and concerns is very important. Not all of our
    Councillors have been intensely involved in the CCWG. That said, I
    would think that other SG's and C's might want to talk things over
    F2F before rendering a decision on this very important matter as
    well. In fact, ideally I'd delay the vote until our Tuesday
    meeting so all of us have ample opportunity to receive input from
    our members during earlier Constituency and SG meetings before we

    I also disagree with Phil when he writes that giving "significant
    momentum" to the final accountability proposal should be a
    concern. That's not our job. Our job is to consider the proposal,
    consult with our members, and vote appropriately. Provided we meet
    the deadline given to us by the CCWG we've done our job.




    *From*: "Phil Corwin" <psc@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:psc@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
    *Sent*: Thursday, February 11, 2016 5:37 PM
    *To*: "James M. Bladel" <jbladel@xxxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:jbladel@xxxxxxxxxxx>>, "GNSO Council List"
    <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
    *Subject*: [council] RE: CCWG - Timeline for Approval by GNSO


    This matter was just discussed on the regularly scheduled call of
    the BC, followed by further discussion among the BC Excomm members.

    *The strong preference of the BC is for Council to schedule a
    Special Session call on 2/29.*There have been only a few
    significant changes to the Recommendations since Council last
    reviewed them, so we are not starting de novo. If we can complete
    our work on the 29^th that would give significant momentum to the
    Final Accountability Proposal. If we can’t complete the work then
    at least we should be able to identify the few remaining
    Recommendations on which there may still be concerns, and then
    zero in on them in Marrakech.

    The BC has significant concerns about not starting the process
    until Saturday, March 5^th (not 4^th ), as that could unduly
    impact our consideration of other matters on our agenda. Also,
    many of us will be jetlagged, and there are always unanticipated
    travel delays that may prevent some Councilors from participating.

    Also, since our final action on the Charter for the RPM review WG
    will apparently be scheduled for Marrakech, we want to make sure
    that Council has sufficient time to complete it. The New gTLD
    Subsequent Rounds WG was authorized last month and as the two WGs
    will be coordinating it would be best to have their launches as
    close together as feasible.

    Best to all,


    *Philip S. Corwin, Founding Principal*

    *Virtualaw LLC*

    *1155 F Street, NW*

    *Suite 1050*

    *Washington, DC 20004*





    *Twitter: @VlawDC*

    */"Luck is the residue of design" -- Branch Rickey/*

    [mailto:owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *James M. Bladel
    *Sent:* Wednesday, February 10, 2016 7:40 PM
    *To:* GNSO Council List
    *Subject:* [PHISHING - This email could be a fraud attempt] -
    [council] CCWG - Timeline for Approval by GNSO

    Council Colleagues -

    Earlier this week, the CCWG-Accountability Co-Chairs updated the
    timeline for delivery of their Final / Supplemental report, which
    is now expected to be delivered to Chartering Organizations (GNSO)
    on *18 FEB*.

    And yesterday, the community received an update from Theresa
    Swinehart on how the Community would deliver the final proposal to
    the ICANN Board for review, approval, and submission to NTIA
    (attached).  The Board is scheduled to complete this task at their
    Thursday session at ICANN 55 in Marrakesh on *10 MAR*.

    The period bookended by these two dates —*18 FEB *through*10
    MAR*—represents the time frame in which the ICANN Community must
    review and approve (or reject) the CCWG report and
    recommendations.  In our case, this work includes confirming that
    the pre-requisites established by the CWG-Stewardship have been
    satisfied (see: letter from GNSO Chairs to CWG-Stewardship Chairs,

    It goes without saying that this is a very tight schedule, even if
    everything goes exactly according to plan.  And there are only a
    few chances for the Council to gather, discuss the views of our
    Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies, and ultimately vote on the
    CCWG report.

    To give ourselves the best opportunity to deliver, I propose that
    we augment our meeting schedule between now and the deadline by
    one or more of these options:

    (1) _Hold a Special Session of the GNSO Council on 29 FEB @
    2100UTC_ – Our procedures require 7 day advance notice to convene
    an off-calendar meeting of the GNSO Council. This date would be
    available following our next call and delivery of the CCWG report
    on 18 FEB, and completing this work before Marrakesh would be a
    huge win.  Downside: This will only allow 11 days for SGs/Cs to
    review & discuss the report, and many of us will be departing for
    Marrakesh shortly thereafter.

    (2) R_e-purpose some or all of the time on Saturday 4 MAR as a
    Special Session _– This is already on everyone’s calendar, and
    would be an excellent time to discuss the CCWG and conduct a vote,
    and would provide another week or so for SG/C review.  Downside:
    We would need to sacrifice some portion of our “usual” Saturday
    agenda.  For example, we could ask for Working Group updates via
    email, rather than in person.

    (3) _Re-purpose some or all of the time on Tuesday, 8 MAR as  a
    Special Session_ – This meeting is also already on the calendar.
    Typically it has been an informal discussion among the Council to
    prepare for the Wednesday Public Meeting, so we would sacrifice
    some or all of that.  And with another meeting the next day, there
    wouldn’t be much time to work out any last minute issues.

    Regardless of which option(s) we choose, we must consider the
    Public Meeting on 9 MAR as a can’t-miss deadline for our approval
    (or reaction) of the CCWG. Also, we should look for opportunities
    to parallelize work streams, for example, by initiating the SG/C
    processes to review the CCWG as soon as possible.

    This is what I propose for discussion on our next call.  There may
    be other options as well, so please bring your ideas next Thursday.

    Thanks for reading this far, and looking forward to our time
    together next week.



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